![《剑桥高阶学习词典》第2版(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Second Edition)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6050208/5826977.jpg)
英國牛津大學與劍橋大學的競合關係從十三世紀以來就熱烈展開。只是一九四八年 Oxford University Press (OUP) 推出 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 第一版時, Cambridge University Press (CUP) 並沒有馬上跟進。直到一九九五年 CUP 才推出第一本學習型詞典 Cambridge International Dictionary of English (CIDE) ,同年上市的辭典還有, OALD 第五版以及 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE) 第三版。
CIDE 後續版本改名為《剑桥高阶学习字典》(Cambridge Advanced LearnerS Dictionary) (CALD) ,上市日期是二○○三年。從 CIDE 到 CALD 名稱改了,內容也有不小的變更。直到二○○五年四月, CALD 推出了《剑桥高阶学习词典》第2版,確定了風格走向,更確定要在原本已熱鬧無比的學習型詞典市場裡爭得一席之地。
Product Details:
Paperback 1584 pages (April 30, 2005)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Language: English
ISBN: 0521604990
Intermediate to Advanced
Ideal for FCE, CAE, CPE and IELTS preparation
A fully updated edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and CD-ROM, with new, up-to-date vocabulary (e.g. sex-up, speed-dating, whiteboard), new 'mini-collocation' boxes, and new frequency information to highlight the most important words to learn.
Key Features
NEW ‘mini-collocation’ boxes help learners use words in the most fluent and natural way.
NEW frequency information highlights the most important words to learn.
Usage notes based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus (real student mistakes from Cambridge ESOL exam papers) help students avoid common mistakes.
Easy-to-understand definitions, and Guidewords to help you find the meaning you want – fast!
NEW Hundreds of interactive exercises including exam practice for IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC.
NEW Extra collocation information and thousands of example sentences.
Unique Cambridge SMART thesaurus on the CD-ROM – turns the dictionary into a thesaurus at the press of a button.
Recordings of every word in British and American English - record your own pronunciation and play back.