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《牛津高阶学习词典》第七版(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition


更新时间:2006-08-19 21:00:00

文件大小:1.24 GB











Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 在非英语系国家的身分与地位非常崇高,历史更是悠久。从一九四八年第一版上市以来,迄今已接近一甲子。早期陪伴台湾英文学习者一路走来的,除了梁实秋辞典之外,就是OALD了。 

学习型辞典(Learner’s Dictionary)的起源有著比较不一样的发展轨迹。回溯到一九三○、四○年代,几位英国学者如Harold E. Palmer, Michael West, A. S. Hornby等人在日本教授著英文。他们分别做了一些研究,尝试整理出一份基础字汇,或从字义上著手,或从功能上切入。意欲让这样一份字汇表就足够当基础,并据以定义描述大多数的英文字词。这有点像数学里的公设(axiom),也有点像是化学里的周期表(periodic table)。都有当作基础的目的,从而扩充延伸并推演出完整的体系。

对学习英文的人而言,只要学会了这一群字汇,自然可以自己使用单语辞典(也就是英英辞典),衔接上自学的道路,然後一路顺利前进。基於这样的思维与用心,他们的努力付出产生了许多影响深远的研究成果。如一九三六年出现的 The Interim Report on Vocabulary Selection,以及Michael West在一九五三年整理出来的A General Service List of English Words。後者这份 General Service List 至今还有人持续研究更新。

就在这样的研究氛围里,Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary於焉诞生。数十年来,OALD享有极高的地位,Hornby在学习辞典里的声望几乎与母语人士辞典当中的Webster齐名。

直到一九七八年, 《朗文当代英语词典》Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的出现,条理井然的编辑方式,以及以二千个字为基础定义整本辞典的收录词汇。这才对逐渐发展得冗芜庞杂的OALD产生威胁。 

OALD现在想要藉由第七版重建过去的声望,除了LDOCE之外,环伺的强敌还有 《麦克米兰英语词典》Macmillan English Dictionary(以下简称MED)、 《剑桥高阶学习词典》Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (以下简称 CALD),以及《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》Collins Cobuild等等。 


The new COMPASS CD-ROM is only available with the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th edition.

Compass is available with hardback and paperback editions.

The COMPASS CD-ROM gives instant access to everything that is in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th edition plus:

- Everything in the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture which contains over 10,000 entries on every aspect of British and American culture: from Co-op to K-mart, and Savile Row to Madison Avenue.
- British and American pronunciations for every headword.
- 20,000 word origins taken from the world-famous Oxford English Dictionary.

- This new edition is faster and more flexible, with many new features. As well as links to word processing packages, it now has links to web browsers and e-mail, so that you can use it to check unknown words and phrases on the Internet.

- All the headwords are spoken, providing a model for correct pronunciation. American voices have been added to the new edition.

- A new pronunciation practice module allows students to listen to the correct pronunciation, then record their own for comparison.

- There are over 680 interactive photos and illustrations, and thousands of images to illustrate entries and reinforce students' vocabulary.

- High-quality video sequences now illustrate over 80 verbs such as, shrug and sneer.

- There is now a spellcheck facility. Hundreds of new grammar and vocabulary activities challenge advanced learners.

- The popular language learning games have been retained, providing hours of fun through countless permutations.

An these special features:

Wordfinder: organizes words into groups according to meaning. Look up newspaper and you'll find all the words related to newspapers: editor, journalist, tabloid, broadsheet, copy, headline, etc.

Great for homework assignments or projects on unfamiliar topics!

Oxford Genie: click on a word in a Word document, email, or web page, and the Genie will give you an instant definition.

《牛津高阶学习词典》第七版(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition

《牛津高阶学习词典》第七版(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition

《牛津高阶学习词典》第七版(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition
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