英语词汇浩如烟海。英语介词、副词是英语词海中的璀璨明珠,赋予英语无比的表达力、想像力、感染力,使英语娓娓动听、铿锵有力、趣味横生、形象生动声声有色,具有无穷的魅力。但同时,它们也给英语学习者带来了巨大的困难。
本词典正是为解决这一难题而编写的。若能学会掌握本词典的词组短语,可以毫不夸张地说,必能打下扎实的词汇基础,从而也能尽快地培养正确、娴熟的听说读写译等语言技巧,就能在语言交际的大海中博海击浪,畅游自如。
目录:
前言
aboard
about
above
abroad
across
after
against
ahead
along
among
apart
around
as
aside
at
away
back
before
behind
below
beneath
beside
between
beyond
but
by
down
for
forth
forward/forwards
from
given
in
inside
into
like
near
of
off
on
onto
out
outside
over
past
round
through
to
together
toward/towards
under
up
upon
with
within
without
索引