Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th Edition) CD-ROM
牛津简明英语词典 第11版 光盘版
by Catherine Soanes (Editor), Angus Stevenson (Editor)
![《牛津简明英语词典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary CD-ROM)第11版[ISO]](
![《牛津简明英语词典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary CD-ROM)第11版[ISO]](
《牛津简明英语词典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary)素以“释义准确、可靠、简明”著称于世,是一部世界公认的权威英语工具书,也是牛津词典系列中最具代表性的一部,其发行量一直位居牛津词典之首。2004年牛津大学出版社推出了这部词典的第11版。这一版是《牛津简明英语词典》自1911年出版第1版以来十分重要的一版。它在继承和保持以往各版的特色和优点的基础上作了较大幅度的改进,其中最显著的特点就是收词量大,覆盖面广。
本词典第10版全面描述了英语语言,收录的词汇、短语和释义多达24万余条。除了一般词汇外,还收录了大量的科技、历史、文学等专业及百科词汇,其中包括不少近些年涌现出的新词语。例如:AIDS(艾滋病),BSE(疯牛病),CJD(人类疯牛病),docutaiment(娱乐性纪录片),e-cash(电子钞票),egg roll(蛋卷),feng shui(风水),PDA(个人数字助理),SOHO(小型家居办公室),Viagra(万艾可,俗称伟哥),WTO(世界贸易组织),Wu(中国江浙沪一带的吴方言)等等。
随着新生事物越来越多的涌现,反映它们的新词也在不断地诞生。广大英语学习者一定会对新词诞生的方式充满了好奇心。《牛津简明英语词典》第10版特别增加了构词栏目(word- formation panel),对构词成分进行了细致处理。例如在 -phobia 构词栏目,我们可以学习到以 phobia 为后缀构成的一系列新词汇,其中既有大学常见的 acrophobia(恐高症),也有比较少见的 brontophobia (恐雷电症),hippophobia (恐马症)等。
本词典第10版收词量之大、覆盖面之广是以往任何一版都无法企及的,这主要得益于充分利用了语料库资源,包括拥有1亿词汇的“英国国家语料库”(British National Corpus)和拥有4800万词汇并以每年500万词汇递增的“牛津世界阅读课题”(Oxford World Reading Programme)。
现在,牛津大学出版社又推出了(2002年)第10版的修订版(revised edition),在原版的基础上加收了自1999年第10版出版以来出现的新词语。另外特别值得一提的是,它的附录增添了“网络用语”栏目,透出鲜活的时代特色,如CU(see you),GR8(great),ILUVU(I love you)等等。
• Major new edition providing an authoritative, up-to-the-minute description of the English language
• Based on hundreds of millions of words of real English from the Oxford English Corpus
• Over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including 900 new words
• NEW Word Histories feature telling the often bizarre stories of the origins and development of 100s of words, such as accolade and candid
• NEW: Hundreds of extra notes on grammar and usage covering a wide range of topics, from confusable words (what's the difference between peddle and pedal?) to punctuation (where should a hyphen be used?)
• Rich vocabulary coverage including scientific, technical, World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms
• Appendices containing lists of alphabets, currencies, chemical elements, electronic English, and more
New to this edition
• 900 new words
• 400 new notes on grammar and usage
• Word Histories feature, providing detailed explanations of the origins and development of 100 words
• Appendix on registers in language, from formal to slang, including a section on English used in electronic communication
• Single edition with printed thumb tabs gives pinpoint accuracy for finding alphabetical changes
• Preface
• Introduction
• Guide to the Use of the dictionary
• Abbreviations used in the dictionary
• Note on trademarks and proprietary status
• Concise Oxford English Dictionary
• Appendix 1: Countries of the World
• Appendix 2: Prime Ministers and Presidents
• Appendix 3: Kings and Queens of England and the United Kingdom
• Appendix 4: Weights, Measures, and Notation
• Appendix 5: Chemical Elements
• Appendix 6: The Greek Alphabet
• Appendix 7: The Solar System
• Appendix 8: Collective Nouns
• Appendix 9: Types of Language
• Appendix 10: English in Electronic Communication
• Appendix 11: Guide to Good English
CD-ROM的界面一如继往,相当朴素。这点无法和Longman词典相比,甚至和系出同门的Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 第7版都相差好远。
![《牛津简明英语词典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary CD-ROM)第11版[ISO]](
• Major new edition on CD-ROM providing an authoritative, up-to-the-minute description of the English language, with full text search functionality of over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including all the latest new words
• NEW High-quality spoken pronunciations for thousands of words - settle all those arguments about how to pronounce a word once and for all
• NEW Interactive educational word games - as Hangman, Boggle, Conundrum, and Word Maker - to make using the dictionary fun
• NEW Word Histories feature telling the often bizarre stories of the origins and development of hundreds of words, such as accolade and candid
• NEW Notes on grammar and usage covering a wide range of topics, from confusable words (what's the difference between peddle and pedal?) to punctuation (where should a hyphen be used?)
• Rich vocabulary coverage including scientific, technical, World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms
• Appendices containing lists of countries, currencies, chemical elements, electronic English, and more
• Ideal for home, office, and school use
• Curriculum Online accredited
• System requirements: Windows® only PC with minimum Pentium-class processor; 64 MB of RAM16-speed CD-ROM or DVD drive; Windows® 98, Me, NT4, XP or 2000; Minimum 100 MB free hard disk space (150 MB recommended); SVGA monitor, set to display high colour (64K or 16-bit colour); Windows® compatible 16-bit sound card
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