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《物理世界——量子力学》(The physical world: quantum)[TVRip]


更新时间:2010-09-05 13:19:00

文件大小:135 MB




《物理世界——量子力学》(The physical world: quantum)[TVRip]
来自iTune U
Open Universiy(美国开发式教育机构)提供的关于量子理论的介绍性视频。

An introduction to this album.

The quantum revolution:
Science's best explanation for the mysterious principles at the root of existence. Without quantum theory, there'd be no mobile phones, computers or DVDs today.

Einstein and Bohr:
The clash between the two giants of twentieth century physics. Einstein is a household name, but who was Neils Bohr?

The uncertainty principle:
How subatomic particles behave. A simple explanation for one of the fundamental features of quantum theory.

Einstein's objections to quantum theory:
The uncertain universe versus the deterministic universe. Bohr's ideas had great success, but in the 1930s, they challenged the accepted laws of nature.

Einsteins' challenge to quantum theory:
The Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) Thought Experiment represents Einstein's attempt to disprove quantum theory.

Testing EPR:
Methods used to test the Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) Thought Experiment in 1997 in Geneva.

The century of quantum technology:
The unsolved mysteries of quantum mechanics and the quantum gadgets of the future.

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