I、General Anatomy 一般解剖学
General Organization of the Body 人体一般结构
Osteology 骨学
Arthrology 关节学
Myology 肌学
General Organization of the Nervous System 神经系统一般结构
General Organization of the Circulatory System 循环系统一般结构
Ⅱ、Head 头部
Skull 头颅
Mandible and Dental Arch 下顎骨和齿弓
Temporomandibular Joint 顳下顎关节
Cranial Nerves 颅神经
Para-and Retropharyngeal Region 咽旁和咽后区
Cranium and Meninges 颅骨和脑膜
Central Nervous System 中枢神经系统
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus 听觉和前庭器
Visual Apparatus and Orbit 视觉器和眼眶
Nasal Septum and Cavity 鼻中膈和鼻腔
Oral Cavity 口腔
Ⅲ、Neck 颈部
General Organization of the Neck 颈部一般结构
Larynx 喉
Pharynx 咽
Arteries and Veins 动脉和静脉
Dissection of the Neck 颈部解剖
Posterior and Carotid Triangle 后和颈动脉三角
Latral Aspect of the Neck 颈部外侧面
IV、Trunk 躯乾
Thorax and Vertebral Column 胸廓和脊柱
Thoracic and Abdominal Wall 胸和腹壁
Inguinal Region 鼠蹊区
Muscles of the Back 背部肌群
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 脊髓和脊髓神经
Dorsal Aspect of the Neck 颈部背面
V、Thoracic Organs 胸腔器官
Thoracic Organs 胸腔器官
Lungs and Pleura 肺和胸膜
Heart 心臟
Regional Anatomy of the Htoracic Organs 胸腔器官之局部解剖
Regional Anatomy of the Heart 心臟之局部解剖
Posterior Mediastiunum 后纵膈腔
Diaphragm 横膈
VI、Abdominal Organs 腹腔器官
General Organization 一般结构
Stomach 胃
Pancreas and Bile Ducts 胰和胆管
Liver 肝
Vessels of Abdominal Organs 腹腔器官之血管
Regional Anatomy of Abdominal Organs 腹腔器官之解剖
Upper Abdominal Organs 上腹腔器官
Mesenteric Roots and Peritoneal Recesses 肠繫膜根部和腹膜隐窝
VⅡ、Retroperitoneal Organs 腹膜移器官
Urinary System 泌尿系统
Kidney 肾
Posterior Abdominal Wall 后腹壁
Male Genital Organs 男性生殖器
Vessels of Pelvic Organs 骨盆器官之血管
Male Urogenital Region 男性外生殖器
Male Urogenitla System 男性泌尿生殖区
Female Urogenital System 女性泌尿生殖区
Uterus and Adnexa 子宫和附件
Female External Genital Organs 女性外生殖器
Female Urogenital Region 女性泌尿生殖器
VⅢ、Upper Limb 上肢
Shoulder Girdle and Thorax 肩胛带和胸廓
Bones 骨
Joints ans Ligaments 关节和韧带
Muscles 肌
Vessels and Nerves 血管和神经
Regions of Shoulder 肩区
Axillary Region 腋区
Regional Anatomy of Arm and Forearm 手臂和前臂之局部解剖
Regional Anatomy of Hand 手之局部解剖
IX、Lower Limb 下肢
Pelvis 骨盆
Bones 骨
Joints and Ligaments 关节和韧带
Muscles 肌
Vessels and Nerves 血管和神经
Anterior Region of Thigh 大腿前区
Gluteal Region 臀区
Posterior Region of Thigh 大腿后区
Crural Region 小腿区
Regional Anatomy of Foot 足之局部解剖
One of the first things that one realizes during anatomy lab is that the paintings in your textbook don't really reflect the reality of an embalmed corpse. Arteries are not conveniently painted bright red, nor are nerves colored a nice polite yellow.
The Color Atlas of Anatomy does a fantastic job of helping one translate the color drawings from the big anatomy textbooks into the lab by providing high-quality labelled photos of model dissections by expert anatomists. Think you have the hypogastric nerve in your abdomenal wall but aren't too sure what it's supposed to look like? My partner and I were in just that position and the Color Atlas helped us go from the idealized material of our lecture notes and Netter's Atlas to realities of our cadaver.
In addition to the photos, I found the schematic drawings to be a nice way to keep in mind the general organization of basic membranes and organs in the body, and the MR and X-Ray scans were useful as well in learning how to read radiograms and MRI images. This book does a great job of teaching you what anatomic specimens really look like, and help you appreciate the great beauty and elegance of the human body.
《基础解剖学》(Anatomy for Beginners)[DVDRip]
《人体解剖学》(Van De Graaff Human Anatomy)(第六版)[PDF]
哈尔滨医科大学《系统解剖学教学》视频教程 32集全
实体解剖学彩色图谱 : 人体实物标本照相英文版:第四版[ISO]
《透明三维人体解剖学》Glasklar 3D V7.0
《解剖学资源大全-图解手册 彩色图谱 电子书》[ISO]
《人体解剖学图谱》(Atlas danatomie humaine 3edition)[PDF]
《临床解剖学》(Clinically Oriented Anatomy)第4 版
《临床解剖学多媒体教学》(Netter Interactive Atlas Of Clinical Anatomy 2.0)[ISO]
《格氏解剖学39版》(grays anatomy 39th)[CHM]
《断层解剖学》高教版 ppt课件
《基础解剖学》德国(Anatomy for Beginners)中文字幕[DVDRip]
卫生部规划教材《局部解剖学》第6版 配套光盘
《人类解剖学-ZBrush到MAYA的工作流程》( Human Anatomy )2.0
《人体构造绘画 美术用人体解剖学教程》(The Structure of Man)[DVDRip]
《健身解剖学图谱》 第二版(Strength Training Anatomy-2nd Edition)
《军警擒拿格斗应用解剖学》陈金源 & 谢荣厚[PDF]
《动物解剖学简介》(The Gnomon Workshop Introduction to Animal Anatomy)[光盘镜像]