Week 1
Day 1 Much to Live For 3/生命的追求
Day 2 Yao Ming:New Center Style 5/姚明:新式中锋
Day 3 Tall Tale 7 /吹牛
Day 4 Nanotechnology:Beyond Your Wildest Dreams 9 /纳米科
Day 5 Jimmy:Picture Books for Adults 11/几米:画给大人看的
Day 6 A Tale of Two Cities(excerpt)14/双城记(节选)
Day 7 Two Poems 16/诗两首
Time for Fun
Week 2
Day l Youth 23/青春
Day 2 The Mountian Story 26/大山的故事
Day 3 Two Fables 29/寓言两则
Day 4 Does It Make a Difference 32/这样做有用吗
Day 5 Jane Eyre(excerpt)34/简爱(节选)
Day 6 Rave the Day 34/锐舞终日
Day 7 Winner Never Quit 39/成功者决不放弃
Time for Fun
Day l Pe~istence 45/毅力
0ay 2 Cost of Love 47/母爱无价
Day 3 Great Expectations(excerpt)50/远大前程(节选)
Day 4 Anthrax,Another Terrorist Weapon 52/炭疽热,恐怖分子
Day 5 The Garden of Eden 55/伊甸园
Day 6 Hallowe’en 57/万圣节
Dav 7 Two Peoms 61/诗两首
Time to Learn
Week 4
Day 1 A Courageous Leader 67/勇敢的领袖
Day 2 Antelope and Lion 70/羚羊和狮子
Day 3 Habit 72/习惯
Day 4 Learn Constantly 74/不断学习
Day 5 The Fox and the Rooster 77/狐狸和雄鸡
Day 6 Do You Fear the Wind 79/你可害怕风
Day 7 The Price of Miracle 81/奇迹的价格
Time to Learn
Week 5
Day l The End of A Dream 91/美梦告终
Day 2 A Strange Present 93/一件奇怪的礼物
Day 3 Vacations in Spac~95/太空度假
Day 4 Keeping Pleasant 97/保持愉快的心情
Day 5 The Man I Respect Most 99/我最尊敬的人
Dav 6 Mv Time 0f HaopineSS Each Day 101/我每天的快乐时光
Day 7 Home—A Jo]r Forever 103/家——永恒的快乐
Time to Speak
Week 6
Day 1 Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address 111/林肯在盖茨堡的演说
Day 2 Self-Shortening Shirt 1 14/自动伸缩衬衫
Day 3 Stopping by Woods Oil a Snowy Evening 11 7/风雪夜林边停
Day 4 Winston Churchill’s Address 120/温斯顿·丘吉尔的演说
Day 5 Summer 122/夏日
Day 6 Hip—Hop World 124/嘻哈音乐的世界
Day 7 How to Be Happy 127/快乐的秘诀
Time to Speak 133
Day 1 Exploring the Oceans 139/海洋探索
Day 2 Attitude is Ever/thing 142/态度决定一切
Day 3 Yoga 147/瑜伽
Day 4 Spring Song 151/春之歌
Day 5 The Sonic Cruiser 153/音速巡航机
Day 6 New Pictures of all Old Universe 156/宇宙初生
Day 7 Father and Daughter 159/父亲和女儿
Time to Enjoy
Week 8
Day 1 Trouble 0n the Table 167/餐桌上的麻烦
Day 2 Three Days to See 171/假如给我三天光明
Day 3 Pitch in for the Planet 175/为这颗星球努力
Dav 4 Who Moved Mv Cheese 179/谁动了我的奶酪
Day 5 The Rising Popularity of Extreme Sports 183/极限运动日
Day 6 I Have a Dream 186/我有一个梦想
Dav 7 The Wisdom 0f One Word 189/一句话的智慧
Time to Enjoy