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《游戏大师极品实时游戏角色动画教程》(Noesis Interactive Real-Time Character Animation with Softimage XSI)[压缩包]


更新时间:2010-06-07 09:51:00

文件大小:457 MB




《游戏大师极品实时游戏角色动画教程》(Noesis Interactive Real-Time Character Animation with Softimage XSI)[压缩包]


Noesis Interactive Real-Time Character Animation with Softimage XSI!这是官方新发布的教程.CGYOU为您发布.游戏制作大师出品实时游戏角色动画!让我们探索游戏业极具推荐度的技术以及工作流程。同时探索了视频游戏制作中的建模以及实时动画!

出品商:Noesis Interactive

《游戏大师极品实时游戏角色动画教程》(Noesis Interactive Real-Time Character Animation with Softimage XSI)[压缩包]

使用XSI制作次时代级别游戏CS角色的实时动画渲染技术.使用高效软件Softimage| XSI制作游戏引擎动画,反恐精英™,您将学习如何融合不同的姿势和运动结合,以创造新的动画序列。然后使用定制的参数来发展必要的控制和组织工作的动画序列。使用的设备捕获您可以连接您的鼠标移动到人物动画的控制,动作捕捉,最后,您将看到如何创建实时阴影动作。

Real-Time Character Animation with Softimage|XSI®, part of the Noesis Interactive™ MOD Your World™ training series, teaches you how to “Activate Your Character” by demonstrating techniques used by professional animators.
Working in Softimage|XSI® with a character and animations from the Source® engine video game, Counter Strike™, you’ll learn how to blend different poses and motions together in order to create new animation sequences. Then use customized parameters to develop the controls and organization necessary to work with the animation sequences. Using device capture you’ll be able to link your mouse movements to the character animation controls and essentially turn your mouse into a motion capture tool. Finally, you’ll see how to create real-time shadows from the character model geometry.

DVD topics covered include:

Animation Clips & Sequences

Animation Blending

Custom Parameters

Linked Parameters

Animating Poses

Device Capture Techniques

Real-Time Shadows

The latest version of DivX (6.8+) is required to view this tutorial. It can be downloaded here

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