![《三维开源软件Blender角色绑定、动画教程》(Blender DVD training-The ManCandy FAQ)[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/0052515/1002828.jpg)
The ManCandy FAQ Character Rigging and Animation in Blender 一张集大成与极专业的角色动画设计与角色骨骼动画绑定装配教程-以问题集的形式存在。对于学习角色动画的用户,这将是一张非常值得收藏的DVD视频教程。教程内容就是作者在制作奇幻短片《Elephants Dream》商业电影过程中收集与整理出来的,很值得商业设计人士以及学习者研究学习。
3D character ManCandy由 Bassam Kurdali 讲解,测试和学习动画技术。在过去的一年里,它已成为一个美妙的灵活角色特性,值得成为Open Movie Workshop 电影工作坊系列的角色商品。
该mancandy常见问题解答是一家集动画和视频教材,Rigging和动漫角色动画 。
本视频教程,分为动画和Rigging议题。动画教程涵盖设立档案和各技术间的关联,包括:animating an arm motion in FK, doing a cartoony take and walkcycles. Rigging topics are arranged according to the parts of ManCandy's body - there are sections for the hands, torso, face, legs, ,名身体部分-手,躯干,脸部,腿部等动画。
关于作者:巴萨姆kurdali -主导奇幻短片《Elephants Dream》的动画与Rigging设计,三维电影项目,巴萨姆目前正致力于为自由译员对各种动画的技术研究。
About The DVD
The Mancandy FAQ is collection of videos that explain the animation and rigging of the generic blender character "ManCandy". Some of the videos are animation tutorials, some are rigging tutorials, and some are rigging "dissections" that explain piece by piece how the setups in the DVD work. The aim is to deconstruct some of the complex setups in Mancandy, demystify animating with the rig (there are lots of controls- some less obvious than others) and hopefully to inspire animators and riggers using blender.
On the DVD you will find the videos, as well as .blend files used for the tutorials. In addition, there is a 10 minute animation tutorial, titled "The Mancandy FAQ" that shows each animation layer in blender, and contains a "bonus" animation at the end. All the source animation files for this animation are included on the DVD, and you are free to explore, reuse and remix them as you see fit (see licenses)
About ManCandy
"ManCandy" here is actually ManCandy 2.0: a generic animatable character compatible with blender 2.44 and 2.45. He can be used for any project, however the primary uses are for animators who wish to skip the rigging process, and for riggers to use as a template and inspiration for their own setups. Mancandy will continue to be updated with future blender improvements, and new rigging techniques. Each major version number should remain compatible with actions created for another ManCandy with the same version number: You can expect animations that worked for ManCandy 2.0 to work with i.e. ManCandy 2.1, but not necessarily with version 3.0
All video content on this disk is licensed (CC) (BY) to Bassam Kurdali/Blender Foundation. The soundtrack music for the "ManCandy FAQ" video is (CC) (BY) (NC) to Wavemage Productions/Jan Morgenstern, while ManCandy himself is free for any use. The Animation files in the "anim" folder are (CC) (BY) to Bassam Kurdali, while all other tutorial files, include the Mancandy and sperm lib files, are free for all uses. For an explanation of the licenses, visit Creative Commons' website
Ton Roosendaal, Margreet Riphagen / Blender Foundation
Fateh Slavitsky / freefac
Director/Animator/Tutorial Voice-Over
Bassam Kurdali
Voices, Animation
Jim McQuoid, Fateh Slavitsky
Audio Recording, Animation
Jim McQuoid
Music, Sound Design
Jan Morgenstern
Render Services
Mark Putnam, Animux
Cover Template Design
Andy Goralczyk, artificial3D
Thanks to all the Blender Developers and the Blender Community without whom this DVD would not have been possible
Blend Files
The DVD has Blend files in the directory blends. Under blends there are 3 directories:
blends/lib contains library files for linking or copying in your work
blends/anim contains animation files used for making the Mancandy FAQ animation
blends/tutorials contain tutorial workfiles- load ( and save your work) here if you are following along with the video tutorials
You must copy the entire blends folder to your HD in order to use it; the DVD is not writable, so you will not be able to save work there, and the directory structure contains files linked to each other- these links will break if you copy the files individually
The folder video contains all the video tutorials in 1024x768 24 fps .ogg format, and in 640x480 12 fps .flv format. If you don't like the html interface, you can just play the tutorials from this folder.
Html Files
The folder html contains all these html pages accessible from the menu, with the exception of index.asp which is on the top level.
the folder images contains images linked from the html files
the folder blender has tarballs, zips, etc. of Blender 2.45 for Linux, OSX, Windows, Solaris, Irix and FreeBSD - just in case you have a bad internet connection or are unsure which version of blender to get for Mancandy.(因为目前blender正式版已经发布到2.9b,所以我把原来的2.45替换为最新版本)
Video Formats
The DVD includes all tutorial movies in two formats: .flv is used to embed the videos into the pages, and should play on most platforms. .ogg format is also included on the disk. In the menu to the left side of each video page are direct links to each video for use in external players.
We chose the flash format for embedding the videos in each page due to the ubiquity of the format on most platforms. We recognise this is not an ideal situation for some practical ( file size, compression quality, CPU utilization ) and philosophical ( open standards, accessibility ) reasons. Due to the limitations of flash, we had to compress the videos down, use a smaller resolution, and a lower frame-rate for the flv videos, or they would not fit on the disk
To compensate, we include the videos in full 1024x768 resolution in ogg video files; they should be playable in an external player. If you do not have a player capable of playing ogg media, try downloading the codec from xiph.org, or simply download the VLC player, an excellent media player available for many platforms
For embedding the flash videos we used the open source flash player flowplayer