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C4D教程之 BodyPaint (Kurv Studios | Get into BodyPaint 3D 2 )9.0


更新时间:2006-02-16 18:58:00

文件大小:682 MB




中文名称:C4D教程之 BodyPaint
英文名称:Kurv Studios | Get into BodyPaint 3D 2
C4D教程之 BodyPaint (Kurv Studios | Get into BodyPaint 3D 2 )9.0
BodyPaint 3D Release 2是对3D模型贴图的改革。该教程介绍了BodyPaint 3D Release 2的界面、工具组、工作流程和基本的贴图等。Asylum 3D的创办人Robin Konieczny全面讲解了BodyPaint 3D Release 2的使用方法。


1. 1.5小时的课程
2. 循序渐进的教学
3. 包括BodyPaint 3D Release 2的全功能的Mac和PC的演示版
4. DAZ的赠送软件
5. 24/7的在线支持
6. 视频按10~25分钟分段
7. Quicktime格式
8. 兼容PC和Mac
9. 兼容所有3D包,LightWave 3D使用的

Forget flat compromises and paint in three dimensions. BodyPaint 3D offers the ultimate control over your textures with complete layers, filters and tablet support - all optimized for working in 3D. With BodyPaint 3D you can paint on up to ten channels with a single stroke, so a brush can define an entire material rather than a single color. Plus, BodyPaint 3D's exclusive RayBrush™ technology lets you view the results of your painting realtime in a rendered image.

BodyPaint 3D's Projection Painting tool makes distortion-free painting a snap. This quick and easy tool lets you paint across UV seams or even multiple objects in a scene.

Even the most complex UV coordinates can be tamed with the help of a complete suite of UV editing tools. BodyPaint 3D includes three automatic UV unwrapping algorithms, including the new Optimal Cubic Mapping system.

While CINEMA 4D users enjoy the application as a completely integrated module, BodyPaint 3D is for all 3D artists and includes free plugins to exchange models and textures with popular 3D applications. These plugins transfer models, textures and UVs between BodyPaint 3D and your 3D application of choice with no hassle at all.
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