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《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]


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《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名: (德国)马克翰维 (Mukhanov.v.) _宇宙学的物理基础(经典英文物理教材系列)(Physical Foundations of COSMOLOGY)
This textbook is designed both for serious srudents of physics and astrophysics and for those with a particular interest in learnign about theoretical cosmology.There are already nany books that survey current observations and descrebe theoretical results; my goal is to complement the exiting literature and to show where the theoretical results come from.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(美国)林肯 (Don Lincoln) 理解宇宙从夸克到宇宙学(英文影印版)(研究生前沿教材书系)Understanding the Universe:From Quarks to the Cosmos
《理解宇宙》作者Don Lincoln教授工作于当今能量最高的费密国立加速器实验室,他领导的顶级实验小组曾最早发现顶夸克。他擅长用通俗的比喻和插图讲述最前沿的科学发现,《理解宇宙》就是他在2003年写成的代表性著作之一。

Don Lincoln,美国费密国立加速器实验室(Ferm iNational Accelerator Laboratory)实验物理学家。

本书作者Don Lincoln教授工作于当今能量最高的费密国立加速器实验室,他领导的顶级实验小组曾最早发现顶夸克。他擅长用通俗的比喻和插图讲述最前沿的科学发现,本书就是他在2003年写成的代表性著作之一。

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(美)詹姆斯·宾尼 斯科特·特里梅因_星系动力学Galactic Dynamics (Princeton Series in Astrophysics)

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(英国)Jonathan Tennyson_天体光谱学:天体光谱学的原子分子物理学导论(英文影印版)(研究生前沿教材书系)(Astronmical Spectroscopy An Introduction to the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Astronomical Spectra)
人类所知的关于宇宙的几乎全部知识都是通过对来自天体的光的研究获得的。要了解这类光的信息,首先需要借助望远镜把光分解为不同的原色,同时还要知道原子分子的量子力学的详细知识,《天体光谱学》就是根据作者在伦敦大学学院(University College London)给学生讲授《天体光谱学》的讲稿基础上写成的。全书着重描述理解、解释天体光谱所必需的原子物理和分子物理基础知识。全书共10章,分别讲述天体光谱的记录、谱项的性质、原子氢、复杂原子、氦光谱、碱金属原子、星云的光谱、X射线谱、分子结构、分子光谱等。各章都有习题,书后附有习题解答。这是近年来出版的唯一一本兼顾天体物理研究和原子分子物理结构研究的教科书,不但适宜于高年级大学生和研究生用作教材,书中所列的大量文献也有利于相关专业的专家开展进一步的研究工作。

Jonathan Tennyson
伦敦大学学院(University College London,UCL)教授,物理和天文系主任。1977年获剑桥King s College自然科学学士学位,1980年在导师John Murrel指导下,取得Sussex大学的理论化学(电子结构计算)博士学位。1980年至1982年,以皇家学会西欧交流会员的身份赴荷兰的Nijmegen大学作丰富多彩的博士后研究工作。1982年加入Dareshury实验室从事理论化学研究,1985年成为终身研究员。同年到UCL从事理论原子物理的研究工作,并成为“Blood讲师”。在UCL,作者发现自己不但成了物理学家,而且成了天文学家,1991年提升为高级讲师。1994年成为物理学教授。1991年至2004年担任原子、分子、光学、正电子课题组组长,2004年成为物理和天文系主任,2005年成为物理学Massey教授。
1989年以访问科学家身份到访以色列的Weizmann科学研究所,并讲学一个学期;1995年和1996年休假期间,以天体物理学家身份到美国HarvardˉSm ithsonian天文物理中心的原子和分子物理理论研究所工作9个月,到Colorado大学工作3个月。

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(英国)都德尔逊 (Scott Dodelson) _(现代宇宙学)MODERN COSMOLOGY.pdf

Scott Dodelson:美国费米国家实验室理论天体物理研究组负责人和芝加哥大学天文和天体物理学系教授。在哥伦比亚大学获博士学位。进入费米国家实验室和芝加哥大学前在哈佛大学做研究员。在宇宙论方面发表了七十多篇论文,其中大部分是关于宇宙的微波背景和大尺度结构。

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(俄罗斯)阿诺德 (Arnol'd.L.I)_经典力学与天体力学中的数学问题Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
This work describes the fundamental principles, problems, and methods of classical mechanics. The main attention is devoted to the mathematical side of the subject. The authors have endeavored to give an exposition stressing the working apparatus of classical mechanics. The book is significantly expanded compared to the previous edition. The authors have added two chapters on the variational principles and methods of classical mechanics as well as on tensor invariants of equations of dynamics. Moreover, various other sections have been revised, added or expanded. The main purpose of the book is to acquaint the reader with classical mechanics as a whole, in both its classical and its contemporary aspects.The book addresses all mathematicians, physicists and engineers.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:作者《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]美)加来道雄 (平行宇宙)Parallel Worlds:A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos

加来道雄(Michio Kaku)博士,美籍日裔人,纽约城市大学研究生中心的理论物理学教授,世界著各物理学家、著名的科学畅销书作者。他的著作都广受赞誉,《构想未来》、《超越爱因斯坦和超空间》、《平行宇宙》,均被《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》提名为当年的最佳科学读物之一。他主持着一档全美国联网的科学广播节目,还在《晓闻热线》、《60分钟》、《早安美国》以及《拉里·金直播在线》之类的全美国性电视节目中亮相。

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:(英)史蒂芬·霍金 (南非)G·F·R·埃利斯等The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time时空的大尺度结构



《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Srivastava_Supersymmetry, Superfields and Supergravity_An Introduction超对称、超场和超引力:简介
A self-contained introduction to supersymmetry for graduate students, advanced undergraduates and research staff in mathematical, theoretical and high energy physics and related disciplines.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:新宇宙学—The New Cosmology
This volume presents a comprehensive introduction to modern cosmology from an astrophysical viewpoint. Key features of the book are: breadth of topics covered, from quantum cosmology to recent observational advances; up-to-the-minute inclusion of many recent results, e.g. from the WMAP satellite; the level of the work, suited to both students and professionals in the field.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Superstring Cosmology-超弦宇宙
Aspects of superstring cosmology are reviewed with an emphasis on the cosmological implications of duality symmetries in the theory. The string effective actions are summarized and toroidal compactification to four dimensions reviewed. Global symmetries that arise in the compactification are discussed and the duality relationships between the string effective actions are then highlighted.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:作者《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]英国)安德鲁 (Andrew R.liddle) (英国)David H.lyth -宇宙膨胀和大尺度结构(经典英文物理教材系列)(Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure)
《宇宙膨胀和大尺度结构》主要内容:The 1990s have seen substantial consolidation of theoretical cosmology, coupled with dramatic observational advances, including the emergence of an entirely new field of observational astronomy - the study of irregularities in the cosmic microwave background radiation. A key idea of modern cosmology is cosmological inflation, which is a possible theory for the origin of all structures in the Universe, including ourselves! The time is ripe for a new book describing this field of research.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:作者:Raine, Thoma(天文及天体物理系列丛书)-(宇宙学初论)An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology (Graduate Series in Astronomy)

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Alexia E. Schulz--(关于暗能量的天体物理探索)Astrophysical Probes of Dark Energy

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:天体物理方法--Astrophysical Techniques By C. R. Kitchin
A comprehensive account of the modern instruments and techniques used in astronomy and astrophysics. Drawing together an ever-diverging array of observational techniques, using the common thread of detection-imaging-ancillary instruments pattern, the book provides a unified view of astrophysical investigation. The text starts form first principles and explains each method up to the point at which the reader can begin practical work with the equipment and even start designing it. Exercises with answers are used to reinforce the ideas presented in each chapter.



《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:PPT课件-(可观测的宇宙微波背景辐射)cosmic microwave background observables

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:James Rich_宇宙学基础——Fundamentals of Cosmology
The book is aimed at astrophysics students and professional physicists who wish to understand the basics of cosmology and general relativity as well as the observational foundations of the LambdaCDM model of the Universe. The book provides a self-contained introduction to general relativity that is based on the homogeneity and isotropy of the local universe. The simplicity of this space allows general relativity to be presented in a very elementary manner while laying the foundation for the treatment of more complicated problems. The new edition presents the most recent observations, including those of CMB anisotropies by WMAP and of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations by SDSS. Future observational and theoretical challenges for the understanding of dark energy and dark matter are discussed.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Li Zhi Fang,量子宇宙学 "Quantum Cosmology (World Scientific Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Vol 3) "
The birth of the universe is a challenging problem for physicists. In the light of the
recent development of cosmology in the GUT epoch, the problem of how the universe emerged from Big Bang singularity can no longer be neglected. An important approach to this problem is the wave function proposal in which the universe would be completely self-contained without any singularities and without any edges.

The aim of this volume is to provide a detailed survey of quantum cosmology under
the scheme of the wave function proposal. The topics cover inflationary universe; quantum gravity; wave function of the universe; solution of toy models; and the consequences of quantum cosmology.

We would like to express our special thanks to Dr. Wu Zhong Chao for his valuable


《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Celletti_(天体力学-行星的华尔兹)Celestial Mechanics-The Waltz of the Planets
The common perception of Celestial Mechanics is that of a discipline which needs advanced mathematics and astronomy to be understood. Yet modern Celestial Mechanics has a rather different taste and a truly interdisciplinary nature. The number of celestial objects known to mankind has dramatically increased, the long-awaited presence of extrasolar planets has been eventually detected around other stars, spaceflight dynamics has brought new applications encompassing rocked dynamics, the place-in-orbit of artificial satellites and interplanetary mission design. Solar System exploration has grown as a long term strategy for the construction of a permanent base on the Moon and a manned mission to Mars.

The aim of the book is to show to the people at large, as well as to a more skilled audience, the many fascinating aspects of modern celestial mechanics. After giving to the reader the necessary technical tools needed for a basic understanding of the underlying physical phenomena (using only elementary mathematics), facts and figures are provided on historical events, modern discoveries and future applications. Contents are divided into major topics where the three "souls" of modern celestial mechanics (dynamical systems, Solar System & stellar systems, spaceflight dynamics) play a major role. As an example, spin-orbit resonances can be explained using fractional algebra and subsequently described in action as "cosmic spinning tops". Easily observable effects such as the existence of a "dark side of the Moon" (and of many other satellites) can be compared to the "complete synchronous rotation" achieved by a geostationary telecommunication satellite in order to be always in view of the receiving parabolas on the ground. On longer time scales, the consequences of spin-orbit interaction may dramatically change the evolution of a planet when chaos enters the scene and must be taken into account in searching habitable planets around other stars.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]

A fascinating introduction to the basic principles of orbital mechanics

It has been three hundred years since Isaac Newton first formulated laws to explain the orbits of the Moon and the planets of our solar system. In so doing he laid the groundwork for modern science's understanding of the workings of the cosmos and helped pave the way to the age of space exploration.

Adventures in Celestial Mechanics offers students an enjoyable way to become acquainted with the basic principles involved in the motions of natural and human-made bodies in space. Packed with examples in which these principles are applied to everything from a falling stone to the Sun, from space probes to galaxies, this updated and revised Second Edition is an ideal introduction to celestial mechanics for students of astronomy, physics, and aerospace engineering. Other features that helped make the first edition of this book the text of choice in colleges and universities across North America include:
* Lively historical accounts of important discoveries in celestial mechanics and the men and women who made them
* Superb illustrations, photographs, charts, and tables
* Helpful chapter-end examples and problem sets

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日),举世闻名的美国物理学家,为犹太人,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人,相对论——“质能关系”的提出者,“决定论量子力学诠释”的捍卫者(振动的粒子)——不掷骰子的上帝。 1999年12月26日,爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人。”

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:弗朗西斯等_数学物理学百科全书.Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics Classical Mechanics(前五卷)

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:Guide to Mathematical Concepts of Quantum Theory量子力学中的数学概念
Quantum Theory is one of the pillars of modern science developed over the last hundred years. In this review paper the authors introduce, step by step, the quantum theory understood as a mathematical model describing quantum experiments. The goal is to give a mathematically clear and self-containing explanation of the main concepts of the modern language of quantum theory.

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名:R. Beig, Wien, Austria等-(关于量子力学的数学物理方法)Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics: Selected and Refereed Lectures from QMath9
QMath9 is a meeting for young scientists to learn about the state of the art in the Mathematical Physics of Quantum Systems. This selection of outstanding articles written in pedagocical style has six sections that cover new techniques and recent results on spectral theory, statistical mechanics, Bose-Einstein condensation, random operators, magnetic Schrödinger operators and much more. For postgraduate students this book can be used as a useful introduction to the research literature. For more expert researcher this book will be a concise and modern source of reference.

Part I Quantum Dynamics and Spectral Theory(量子动力学与光谱理论)
Part II Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics(量子场论和统计力学)
Part III Quantum Kinetics and Bose-Einstein Condensation(量子动力学和玻色爱因斯坦凝聚理论)
Part IV Disordered Systems and Random Operators(无序系统和随机算子)
Part V Semiclassical Analysis and Quantum Chaos(半经典分析和量子混沌)

《天体物理、宇宙学及物理学电子书合辑》(Astrophysics,Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums)[PDF]
书名: 经典电动力学与相对论-Classical Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity
This book is a manual for the course of electrodynamics and theory of relativity. It is recommended primarily for students of mathematical departments. This defines its style: the author uses elements of vectorial and tensorial analysis, differential geometry, and theory of distributions in it.





Foreword by Professor Andrei Linde Preface
Units and conventions
Part I Homogeneous isotropic universe
1 Kinematics and dynamics of an expanding universe
1.1 Hubble law
1.2 Dynamics of dust in Newtonian cosmology
1.2.1 Continuity equation
1.2.2 Acceleration equation
1.2.3 Newtonian solutions
1.3 From Newtonian to relativistic cosmology
l'Foreword by Professor Andrei Linde Preface
Units and conventions
Part I Homogeneous isotropic universe
1 Kinematics and dynamics of an expanding universe
1.1 Hubble law
1.2 Dynamics of dust in Newtonian cosmology
1.2.1 Continuity equation
1.2.2 Acceleration equation
1.2.3 Newtonian solutions
1.3 From Newtonian to relativistic cosmology
1.3.1 Geometry of an homogeneous,isotropic space
1.3.2 The Einstein equations and cosmic evolution
1.3.3 Friedmann equations

1.3.4 Conformal time and relativistic solutions
1.3.5 Milne universe
1.3.6 De Sitter universe
2 Propagation of light and horizons
2.1 Light geodesics
2.2 Horizons
2.3 Conformal diagrams
2.4 Redshifl
2.4.1 Redshifl as a measure of time and distance
2.5 Kinematic tests
2.5.1 Angular diameter-redshift relation
2.5.2 Luminosity—redshifl relation
2.5.3 Number counts
2.5.4 Redshift evolution
3 The hot universe
3.1 The composition of the universe
3.2 Brief thermal history
3.3 Rudiments of thermodynamics
3.3.1 Maximal entropy state,thermal spectrum, conservation laws and chemical potentials
3.3.2 Energy density,pressure and the equation of state
3.3.3 Calculating integrals
3.3.4 Ultra—relativistic particles
3.3.5 Nonrelativistic particles
3.4 Lepton era
3.4.1 ChemicaI potentials
3.4.2 Neutrino decoupling and electrOn—pOsitrOn annihilation
3.5 NucleOsvnthesis
3.5.1 Freeze—OUt of neutrons
3.5.2“Deuterium bottleneck”
3.5.3 Helium一4
3.5.4 Deuterium
3.5.5 The other light elements
3.6 Recombination
3.6.1 Helium recombination
3.6.2 Hydrogen recombination:equilibrium consideration
3.6.3 Hydrogen recombination:the kinetic approach
4 The very early universe
4.1 Basics
4.1.1 Local gauge invariance
4.1.2 Non—Abelian gauge theories
4.2 Quantum chromodynamics and quark-gluon plasma
4.2.1 Running coupling constant and asymptotic freedom
4.2.2 Cosmological quark-gluon phase transition
4.3 Electroweak theory
4.3.1 Fermion content
4.3.2“Spontaneous breaking”of U(1)symmetry
4.3.3 Gauge bosons
4.3.4 Fermion interactions
4.3.5 Fermion masses
4.3.6 CP violation
4.4 “Symmetry restoration”and phase transitions
4.4.1 Effective potential
4.4.2 U(l)model
4.4.3 Symmetry restoration at high temperature
4.4.4 Phase transitions
4.4.5 Electroweak phase transition
4.5 Instantons.sphalerons and the early universe
4.5.1 Particle escape from a potential well
4.5.2 Decay of the metastable vacuum
4.5.3 The vacuum structure of gauge theories
4.5.4 Chiral anomaly and nonconservation of the fermion number
4.6 Beyond the Standard Model
4.6.1 Dark matter candidates
4.6.2 Baryogenesis
4.6.3 Topological defects
5 Inflation I:homogeneous limit
5.1 Problem of initial conditions
5.2 Inflation:main idea
5.3 How can gravity become“repulsive”?
5.4 How to realize the equation of state P≈一#####
5.4.1 Simple example:V=m2#4#####
5.4.2 General potential:slow—roll approximation
5.5 Preheating and reheating
5.5.1 Elementary theory
5.5.2 Narrow resonance
5.5.3 Broad resonance
5.5.4 Implications
5.6 “Menu”of scenarios

Part II Inhomogeneous universe
6 Gravitational instability in Newtonian theory
6.1 Basic equations
6.2 Jeans theory
6.2.1 Adiabatic perturbations
6.2.2 Vector perturbations
6.2.3 Entropy perturbations
6.3 Instability in an expanding universe
6.3.1 Adiabatic perturbations
6.3.2 Vector perturbations
6.3.3 Self-similar solution
6.3.4 Cold matter in the presence of radiation or dark energy
6.4 Beyond linear approximation
6.4.1 Tolman solution
6.4.2 Zel’dovich solution
6.4.3 Cosmic web
7 Gravitational instability in General Relativity
7.1 Perturbations and gauge—invariant variables
7.1.1 Classification of perturbations
7.1.2 Gauge transformations and gauge—invariant variables
7.1.3 COOrdinate systems
7.2 Equations for cosmological perturbations
7.3 Hydrodynamical perturbations
7.3.1 Scalar perturbations
7.3.2 Vector and tensor perturbations
7.4 Baryon-radiation plasma and cold dark matter
7.4.1 Equations
7.4.2 Evolution of perturbations and transfer functions
8 Inflation II:origin of the primordial inhomogeneities
8.1 Characterizing perturbations
8.2 Perturbations on inflation(slow—roll approximation)
8.2.1 Inside the Hubble scale
8.2.2 The spectrum of generated perturbations
8.2.3 Why dO we need inflation?
8.3 Quantum cosmological perturbations
8.3.1 Equations
8.3.2 Classical solutions
8.3.3 Quantizing perturbations
8.4 Gravitationa waves from inflation
8.5 Self_reDroductiOn of the universe
8.6 Infation as a theory with predictive power
9 Cosmic microwave background anisotropies
9.1 Basics
9.2 Sachs-Wolfe eflfect
9.3 Initial conditions
9.4 Correlation function and multipoles
9.5 Anisotropies on large angular scales
9.6 Delayed recombination and the finite thickness effect
9.7 Anisotropies on small angular scales
9.7.1 Transfer functions
9.7.2 Multipole moments
9.7.3 Parameters
9.7.4 Calculating the spectrum
9.8 Determining cosmic parameters
9.9 Gravitational waves
9.10 Polarization of the cosmic microwave background
9.10.1 Polarization tensor
9.10.2 Thomson scattering and polarization
9.10.3 Delayed recombination and polarization
9.10.4 E and B polarization modes and correlation functions
9.1l Reionization
Expanding universe(Chapters 1 and 2)
Hot universe and nucleosvnthesis(Chapter 3)
Particle physics and early universe(Chapter 4)
Inflation (Chapters 5 and 8)
Gravitational instability(Chapters 6 and 7)
CMB fluctuations(Chapter 9)
3.1 Geometry of an homogeneous,isotropic space
1.3.2 The Einstein equations and cosmic evolution
1.3.3 Friedmann equations
1.3.4 Conformal time and relativistic solutions
1.3.5 Milne universe
1.3.6 De Sitter universe
2 Propagation of light and horizons
2.1 Light geodesics
2.2 Horizons
2.3 Conformal diagrams
2.4 Redshifl
2.4.1 Redshifl as a measure of time and distance
2.5 Kinematic tests
2.5.1 Angular diameter-redshift relation
2.5.2 Luminosity—redshifl relation
2.5.3 Number counts
2.5.4 Redshift evolution
3 The hot universe
3.1 The composition of the universe
3.2 Brief thermal history
3.3 Rudiments of thermodynamics
3.3.1 Maximal entropy state,thermal spectrum, conservation laws and chemical potentials
3.3.2 Energy density,pressure and the equation of state
3.3.3 Calculating integrals
3.3.4 Ultra—relativistic particles
3.3.5 Nonrelativistic particles
3.4 Lepton era
3.4.1 ChemicaI potentials
3.4.2 Neutrino decoupling and electrOn—pOsitrOn annihilation
3.5 NucleOsvnthesis
3.5.1 Freeze—OUt of neutrons
3.5.2“Deuterium bottleneck”
3.5.3 Helium一4
3.5.4 Deuterium
3.5.5 The other light elements
3.6 Recombination
3.6.1 Helium recombination
3.6.2 Hydrogen recombination:equilibrium consideration
3.6.3 Hydrogen recombination:the kinetic approach
4 The very early universe
4.1 Basics
4.1.1 Local gauge invariance
4.1.2 Non—Abelian gauge theories
4.2 Quantum chromodynamics and quark-gluon plasma
4.2.1 Running coupling constant and asymptotic freedom
4.2.2 Cosmological quark-gluon phase transition
4.3 Electroweak theory
4.3.1 Fermion content
4.3.2“Spontaneous breaking”of U(1)symmetry
4.3.3 Gauge bosons
4.3.4 Fermion interactions
4.3.5 Fermion masses
4.3.6 CP violation
4.4 “Symmetry restoration”and phase transitions
4.4.1 Effective potential
4.4.2 U(l)model
4.4.3 Symmetry restoration at high temperature
4.4.4 Phase transitions
4.4.5 Electroweak phase transition
4.5 Instantons.sphalerons and the early universe
4.5.1 Particle escape from a potential well
4.5.2 Decay of the metastable vacuum
4.5.3 The vacuum structure of gauge theories
4.5.4 Chiral anomaly and nonconservation of the fermion number
4.6 Beyond the Standard Model
4.6.1 Dark matter candidates
4.6.2 Baryogenesis
4.6.3 Topological defects
5 Inflation I:homogeneous limit
5.1 Problem of initial conditions
5.2 Inflation:main idea
5.3 How can gravity become“repulsive”?
5.4 How to realize the equation of state P≈一#####
5.4.1 Simple example:V=m2#4#####
5.4.2 General potential:slow—roll approximation
5.5 Preheating and reheating
5.5.1 Elementary theory
5.5.2 Narrow resonance
5.5.3 Broad resonance
5.5.4 Implications
5.6 “Menu”of scenarios

Part II Inhomogeneous universe
6 Gravitational instability in Newtonian theory
6.1 Basic equations
6.2 Jeans theory
6.2.1 Adiabatic perturbations
6.2.2 Vector perturbations
6.2.3 Entropy perturbations
6.3 Instability in an expanding universe
6.3.1 Adiabatic perturbations
6.3.2 Vector perturbations
6.3.3 Self-similar solution
6.3.4 Cold matter in the presence of radiation or dark energy
6.4 Beyond linear approximation
6.4.1 Tolman solution
6.4.2 Zel’dovich solution
6.4.3 Cosmic web
7 Gravitational instability in General Relativity
7.1 Perturbations and gauge—invariant variables
7.1.1 Classification of perturbations
7.1.2 Gauge transformations and gauge—invariant variables
7.1.3 COOrdinate systems
7.2 Equations for cosmological perturbations
7.3 Hydrodynamical perturbations
7.3.1 Scalar perturbations
7.3.2 Vector and tensor perturbations
7.4 Baryon-radiation plasma and cold dark matter
7.4.1 Equations
7.4.2 Evolution of perturbations and transfer functions
8 Inflation II:origin of the primordial inhomogeneities
8.1 Characterizing perturbations
8.2 Perturbations on inflation(slow—roll approximation)
8.2.1 Inside the Hubble scale
8.2.2 The spectrum of generated perturbations
8.2.3 Why dO we need inflation?
8.3 Quantum cosmological perturbations
8.3.1 Equations
8.3.2 Classical solutions
8.3.3 Quantizing perturbations
8.4 Gravitationa waves from inflation
8.5 Self_reDroductiOn of the universe
8.6 Infation as a theory with predictive power
9 Cosmic microwave background anisotropies
9.1 Basics
9.2 Sachs-Wolfe eflfect
9.3 Initial conditions
9.4 Correlation function and multipoles
9.5 Anisotropies on large angular scales
9.6 Delayed recombination and the finite thickness effect
9.7 Anisotropies on small angular scales
9.7.1 Transfer functions
9.7.2 Multipole moments
9.7.3 Parameters
9.7.4 Calculating the spectrum
9.8 Determining cosmic parameters
9.9 Gravitational waves
9.10 Polarization of the cosmic microwave background
9.10.1 Polarization tensor
9.10.2 Thomson scattering and polarization
9.10.3 Delayed recombination and polarization
9.10.4 E and B polarization modes and correlation functions
9.1l Reionization
Expanding universe(Chapters 1 and 2)
Hot universe and nucleosvnthesis(Chapter 3)
Particle physics and early universe(Chapter 4)
Inflation (Chapters 5 and 8)
Gravitational instability(Chapters 6 and 7)
CMB fluctuations(Chapter 9)


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