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《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF


更新时间:2009-12-08 09:53:00

文件大小:203 MB



《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF

# Hardcover: 512 pages
# Publisher: DK ADULT (October 16, 2006)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0756622050
# ISBN-13: 978-0756622053
# Product Dimensions: 12 x 10.1 x 1.4 inches
# Shipping Weight: 5.9 pounds
书中包括Fabien Cousteau的序言。包括海洋勘探和摄影的最新进展。并记录了对海洋功能和丰富的海洋生物多样性的介绍。突出重要的人物,独特的栖息地,对人的影响研究,和极端的事实。本书与美国自然历史博物馆合作出版。

As the site where life first formed on Earth, a key element of the climate, and a continuing but fragile resource, oceans are of vital importance to our planet. From the geological and physical processes that affect the ocean floor to the key habitat zones, flora, and fauna, this is the definitive reference to the world's oceans for the entire family. Includes an introduction by Fabien Cousteau. Includes the latest developments in ocean exploration and photography. Catalogs the rich diversity of ocean features and marine life. Highlights important people, unique habitats, human impact studies, and extreme facts. Published in association with the American Museum of Natural History.
《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF
《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF
《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF
《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF
《海洋:世界上最后的处女地》(Ocean: The World s Last Wilderness Revealed)PDF

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