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《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD


更新时间:2009-11-03 09:40:00

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《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD

《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD
Total-Training 出品的 Adobe Illustrator CS4 进阶教程
官方网站 http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/il..._adv.asp
主讲人: Robert Underwood。
级别: 初级和中级,
适用平台: Windows 与 MAC OS

Robert Underwood 是作家,讲师和顾问,在图形艺术领域有近15年的印刷生产业正规教育经验。Robert 同时还是一位 Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator 及 Acrobat 认证专家。

通过本教程,学习者将可以了解到使用 Illustrator 快速准确地创建矢量图形的所有诀窍。教程帮助你掌握 Illustrator CS4 所有全新功能,如样式,剪切路径以及三维物件。甚至还可以学习到如何通过 Illustrator 建立一段 Flash® 动画。该系列教程可让你的 Illustrator 技术更进一层并帮助你在工作中保持竞争力。

Total Training for
Adobe Illustrator CS4: Advanced

《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD
Description: With Total Training for Adobe Illustrator CS4: Advanced, you'll learn all the secrets that illustrators use everyday to create vector artwork faster and more accurately. You'll discover all the new and exciting features inside of Illustrator CS4 as well as techniques to help you master things such as patterns, clipping paths, and 3D objects. You'll even learn how to build a Flash® animation inside of Illustrator. This series is just want you need to take your Illustrator skills one step further and help you to stay competitive in today's job market!

Title: Adobe Illustrator CS4
Category: Print Design & Publishing
Presenter: Robert Underwood
Platform: Windows & MAC OS
Format: DVD-ROM & Online
Running Time: 6 Hrs, 1 DVD
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Project Files: Included
Solutions: Multi-User Education Government International More

Learn how to use the Sprayer tool for Symbols.
Find out how Symbols, Gradients, Patterns and Brushes have a dynamic relationship.
Discover how to build a Flash® animation in Illustrator.
Learn how to make a plaid pattern using Transform & Transparency.
See how to make graphs in Illustrator.
Explore new features such as multiple artboards, the blob brush and the new gradient tool.

《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD
《Adobe Illustrator CS4 高级教程》(Total Training Adobe Illustrator CS4 Advanced)DVD

教程章节目录PDF http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/outlines..._qrg.pdf

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