![《3ds max 大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程》(Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins DVD 3ds max photoshop )[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9092119/4458279.jpg)
![《3ds max 大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程》(Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins DVD 3ds max photoshop )[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9092119/4458442.jpg)
The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,由Gnomon出品的Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design(Max大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程),2009年6月11日,最新释放。GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路 上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同! Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐。
Epic Games-国际游戏巨头,著名次世代游戏《战争机器》的开发者。主要使用的软件是3ds max 以及 Photoshop
作者:James Hawkins是Epic Games公司的高级概念艺术家,毕业于詹姆斯麦迪逊大学,获美术学士学位,业界最有才华的艺术家。
![《3ds max 大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程》(Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins DVD 3ds max photoshop )[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9092119/4458669.jpg)
这 个星期,Gnomon Workshop 很高兴能宣布一个新的标题,与Epic Games公司合作所出的新教程:由James Hawkins带来的大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程。这张DVD,James Hawkins在Epic Games公司,通过实际游戏战争机器系列设计证明了自己的生产技术能力。证明他是业界最有才华的艺术家,也是一个成功的概念艺术家。![引至[CGY]
This week The Gnomon Workshop is thrilled to announce a new title in collaboration with Epic Games: Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins. In this DVD, James demonstrates his production techniques while designing an actual in-game creature from the Gears of War series by Epic Games. Viewers are treated to an inside look at the design techniques of one of the industry’s most talented artists, as well as to his personal take on being a successful concept artist in a production environment. Filled with lots of useful tips for designing your next crazy looking creature, this DVD will be a great addition to your training library.
Designing for games.
Fleshing out ideas in Adobe Photoshop.
Using Autodesk 3ds Max to resolve the form.
Detailing the concept.
Painting over the 3D render.
Working in the game industry.
![《3ds max 大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程》(Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins DVD 3ds max photoshop )[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9092119/4458218.jpg)
《战争机器》Gears of War 游戏特色:
Gears of War是 Xbox 360 专属的游戏,将生存的恐怖融合到战术动作中,并且提供极具深度的感人故事,让玩家体验到人类与兽族部落 (从地球深处钻到表面的可怕生物) 为了生存而展开的惨烈战役。游戏中,玩家必须带领战争英雄马可斯菲利及其队员,独自面对各种残暴怪物的猛烈攻击。游戏采用革命性的战术战斗系统,以及沿用 新的 Unreal Engine 3 (虚幻3引擎)所呈现出的高解析华丽图形,让玩家更能亲身经历战争与生存的惊骇情节。
前所未有的图形:Unreal Engine 3 技术能在最庞大的战役场景中,呈现出最细腻的部分。所以,可以呈现出生动活泼的世界,让玩家感受到游戏中栩栩如生的各个角色。
![《3ds max 大型游戏战争机器生物设计教程》(Gnomon Gears of War Creature Design with James Hawkins DVD 3ds max photoshop )[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9092119/4458606.jpg)
James Hawkins
Senior Concept Artist, Epic Games Inc.
James Hawkins is a Senior Concept Artist at Epic Games located in Raleigh, North Carolina. He graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelors degree in fine arts. He worked at several companies including Timeline Entertainment, Ritual Entertainment and Legend Entertainment.
In 2003 Jay joined the Epic team and has been the primary concept artist for characters, weapons and vehicles. His credits at Epic include Unreal Championship 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Gears of War and Gears of War 2.