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《用Zbrush制作邪恶之女》(Gnomonology Designing with Digital Clay Evil)


更新时间:2009-09-21 19:40:00

文件大小:294 MB




《用Zbrush制作邪恶之女》(Gnomonology Designing with Digital Clay Evil)

Cesar Luis Dacol Jr在电影工业方面已经有了20年的工龄,所以此教程的艺术感还是值得赞赏的,在这80分里,你学到不单单是对ZB的在个人创作的应用。


Description: Cesar Luis Dacol Jr. has worked in the film industry for nearly 20 years, having started his career in the makeup effects industry and transitioning to computers effects in the mid 90's.He brings his background in anatomy and traditional sculpting to the 3D world of computers.

In this video, Cesar talks about his thought process for designing this hybrid between Linda Blair's role in Exorcist and Chucky. Chocked full of insights and ZBrush tips this is a must see tutorials and the third in the series of Designing with Digital Clay

《用Zbrush制作邪恶之女》(Gnomonology Designing with Digital Clay Evil)
《用Zbrush制作邪恶之女》(Gnomonology Designing with Digital Clay Evil)
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