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Edited By
Vincent Resh, University of California, Berkeley
Ring Cardé, Department of Entomology University of California, Riverside
The Encyclopedia of Insects is a comprehensive work devoted to all aspects of insects, including their anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of exploitation, conservation, and management. Articles provide definitive facts about all insects from aphids, beetles and butterflies to weevils and yellowjackets. Insects are beautiful and dreadful, ravenous pests and devastating disease vectors, resilient and resistant to eradication, and the source of great benefit and great loss for civilization. Important for ecosystem health, they have influenced the evolution of other life forms on our planet including humans. Anyone interested in insects, from university professors and researchers to high school students preparing a report, will find The Encyclopedia of Insects an indispensable volume for insect information.
All levels of university students, researchers, and professional entomologists. Also pest management officers in agrobusiness or government. Ideal for public, academic, and government libraries.
Agricultural Entomology; Biotechnology and Insects; Circadian Rhythms; Defensive Behavior; Excretory System (Structure and Function); Feeding Behavior; Forensic Entomology; Genetic Engineering of Insects; Host Seeking, by Parasitoids; Insecticide and Acaricide Resistance; Japanese Beetle; Larvae, Pupae; Mechanoreception (Touch, Sensillar Structure);Neurosecretory Cells; Nomenclature and Classification, Pheromones; Scales and Setae; Tsetse Fly; and more
Bibliographic & ordering Information
Hardbound, 1266 pages, publication date: MAR-2003
ISBN-13: 978-0-12-586990-4
ISBN-10: 0-12-586990-8