![《面部器官建模秘技教程》(Gnomon The Secret Of Organic Modeling)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7100910/2128172.gif)
Gnomon.07年3月底推出的最新Lightwave面部器官建模教学:The Secrets of Organic Modeling Lightwave Modeling Techniques with Taron,由德国设计师Taron的CG概念设计教程,LW爱好者的极大福音。The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!
![《面部器官建模秘技教程》(Gnomon The Secret Of Organic Modeling)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7100910/2128172.gif)
教学讲师为德国艺术家Taron,14岁开始进行CG创作工作,15岁就独立完成商业任务,21岁正式成为自由CG艺术家。先后为Dannon, Siemens and JVC等高端游戏公司工作,近期搬往美国从事视觉特效工作。参与制作电影有:Dogma, Battlefield Earth, Impostor, Spy Kids 2, Megiddo, Gothika, Dust Factory, Dracula 2K, Reeker, The Hunt, Syriana and Ghost Rider
Taron:在 Station X studios 工作两年后跳槽到 Computer Cafe,一乾就是4年,并在其间学到了很多新知识。当时的他非常热衷于编程,企图开发和艺术创作两手抓,但后来意识到自己更适合在软件开发上发展,于是便加入了 pmG 开发 messiah:Studio!。另外他也成了一个音乐家(说说而已),BMI 还把他的音乐加到了电影中。
Artists like Taron are hard to find. A gifted artist, animator, musician and programmer, Taron has inspired artists around the world and deserves to be hailed as a master and guru. The Secrets of Organic Modeling is a complete introduction to Taron's modeling methodology for subdivision based geometry. His techniques allow for an extremely quick workflow and lead to a high level of control. Taron covers every step of the process in this head modeling demo including initial layout, adding details, controlling topology and fine-tuning proportions. Known as one of the fastest and most efficient modelers in the industry, watching Taron work will benefit both students and professionals alike.
本教程主题 : Working Habits
Complete Toolset for Organic Modeling
Starting with a Box
Selecting and Handling of
Extruding Details
Adjusting Topology
Fine-Tuning Geometry
Tips and Observations
01: Tool Setup/Preparation
02: Modeling Session, Part 1
03: Modeling Session, Part 2
Born in Germany, Taron started working with computers (Commodore 16) at age fourteen. His first professional assignment was at age fifteen for multimedia applications. Officially becoming a freelancer at age twenty-one, Taron worked on advertising games for clients such as Dannon, Siemens and JVC. He later moved to the US to work in visual effects until he switched over to software development at age thirty-two. 他参与设计的好莱坞电影包括《天条》, 地球战场(末日反击战), 《冒名顶替》, 《非常小特务2》, 《神魔交战》, 《歌西卡》, 《尘土工厂》, Dracula 2K, Reeker, 《猎人》, 《辛瑞那》 以及2007年最新电影《恶灵骑士》. Taron has also worked on numerous commercials and game cinematics and his work has been published in magazines all over the world. .
“Taron is my first stop for modeling creatures and humans, whether they be beautiful or grotesque, earthly or alien, his creations are often fantastic, yet always believable. His endless imagination and 3D modeling expertise combine to produce the most original life forms in the digital realm.”- Mark Lasoff Academy Award-winning Digital Effects Supervisor