Gnomonology 为Gnomon培训机构最新开发的一个教程资源网站.目前提供了资深专家Alex Alvarez、Meats Meier、Zack Petroc和Scott Spencer等约50个小时的视频内容,涵盖的软件有Maya、Photoshop、3ds Max Zbrush、After Effects、Headus、Houdini。
Lighting a Hallway
Production Techniques for Efficient, Directable Lighting
本教程强调商业应用的实用技术性,Jeremy 仅使用13个光源渲染展示室内真实光照场景。这一技术利用全局光照或最终聚集光照.本教程Jeremy 将与你一起讨论走廊逼真环境光照设置商业解决方案的方法与流程。并根据此项目目标来使用不同的灯光类型,处理在你创建灯光设置时场景元素带来的技术挑战.
Emphasizing production concerns, Jeremy lights an interior scene with only 13 lights. He demonstrates in real-time step-by-step how to use a minimal number of spot and point lights to recreate all direct, indirect and "sweetening" light sources for a hallway. This technique uses no Global Illumination or Final Gather, producing a fast, stable, predictable and directable result. Jeremy shows how to work with lighting in IPR and Mental Ray.
Jeremy在电脑图形艺术中已达10多年的经验.他从事游戏开发,多媒体,print艺术, 视觉特效, 2D3D特效动画, Jeremy目前工作于Dreamworks梦工厂电影动画公司,开发3D视觉. 他为很多他的客户工作,比如:Sting, Peter Gabriel, Evans and Sutherland, Dodge, and Penguin-Putnam and on award winning and hit projects such as Sting's All This Time, Peter Gabriel's EVE, Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester, Riven: The Sequel to Myst, The Patriot, Sinbad and Shark Tale.