![《LightWave节点贴图教程》(LightWave 3D 9 Introduction to Node Based Texturing)[mov]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4801231.jpg)
艺术家James Willmott完成了他关于节点教学视频的第一集。这个教学不在于教你James Willmott怎样使用节点,而是向你展示LW中贴图节点的使用,最终帮助用户自己设计和创建基于纹理和表面的节点。
这个视频绝不仅仅是简介视频,它能让你在几小时里学会有效的使用节点。如果你曾经逃避节点,把它加入你的工作流程吧,选择我们最新的教学:LightWave 3D Introduction to Node Based Texturing。(为了100字又译了一下,大概就是这样)
Texturing with nodes is very different than the traditional layered based methods LightWave 3D users are used to. While extremely powerful, nodes can also be very difficult to understand, even for experienced artists.
James Willmott has completed his first video training in his series on nodes. The focus of this video is not to teach you how James would use nodes but rather to show you how nodes work so you can design and create your own node based textures and surfaces.
The video goes much deeper buy showing you how to create more advanced node based textures using noise, gradients, as well as images and procedural textures.
This video is much more than just a introduction video, it will have you using nodes effectively in a few hours. If you have been avoiding nodes, add this powerful tool to your workflow, pick up our latest video, LightWave 3D Introduction to Node Based Texturing.