![《Ruby语言视频教程》(VTC Programming With Ruby)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4735204.jpg)
Ruby是一种跨平台、面向对象的动态类型编程语言。Ruby体现了表达的一致性和简单性,它不仅是一门编程语言,更是表达想法的一种简练方式。它不仅受到广大程序员的欢迎,无数的软件大师亦为其倾倒。Programming Ruby是关于Ruby语言的一本权威著作,也被称为PickAxe Book。涵盖了Ruby 1.8中新的和改进的特性以及标准库模块。它不仅是您学习Ruby语言及其丰富特性的一本优秀教程,也可以作为日常编程时类和模块的参考手册。.本教程适合各种程度的Ruby程序员,无论新手还是老兵,都会从中得到巨大的帮助。
Title: Programming With Ruby
Author: Al Anderson
SKU: 33788
ISBN: 1-934743-01-1
Release Date: 2007-08-21
Price: Single User: US$ 99.95
Duration: 8.5 hrs / 113 lessons
Compatibility: Win Vista, XP, 2000, 98SE, Mac OS X, OS 9, Linux
Programming with Ruby introduces developers to the Ruby programming language.
Ruby is a dynamic object-oriented language. Its heritage includes LISP, Smalltalk, Perl and other languages.
The simple but powerful nature of Ruby makes it one of today's hottest languages to learn.
VTC author Al Anderson guides you through the various constructs and library of the language providing you with
the tools to create great software in Ruby. To begin learning simply click the links.
Link: http://www.vtc.com/products/programming_with_ruby.htm