书名:SQL Server 2005 Bible
作者:Paul Nielsen
页数: 1293 pages
出版: Wiley (November 6, 2006)
语言: English
ISBN-10: 0764542567
ISBN-13: 978-0764542565
简介:SQL Server 2005是微软公司动用了上千人的力量,耗费了五年的时间在SQL Server 2000的基础上开发出来的旗舰产品,相对于SQL Server 2000而言,它有了极大的变化。本书对数据库管理、数据库开发和商业智能等SQL Server 2005的新增特性都作了详尽、系统的介绍。由于SQL Server 2005改变如此之大,功能如此之丰富,无论是已经很有经验的SQL Server 老用户,还是正准备使用SQL Server 作为数据库系统的新用户,这本书都很有值得大家好好阅读与学习。
Use this comprehensive tutorial and reference to increase productivity and write stored procedures using the language with which you're most familiar. The revised content covers new features such as XML integration, Web services, the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), and security updates, making this book a must for any developer or database administrator transitioning to the new version of SQL Server. You'll learn to develop SQL Server database and data connections, administer SQL Server, and keep databases performing at their peak. In addition, you'll find dozens of specific examples in both a graphical format and as SQL code as well as numerous best practices describing the most effective way to accomplish a given task. A companion Web site provides all of the code examples found in the book.