![《镜头高级技术》(Gnomon Matchmoving: Advanced Production Techniques)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/1420446.jpg)
GNOMON Matchmoving: Advanced Production Techniques
Camera Tracking Techniques with Tim Dobbert - 影视摄影镜头跟踪教程-高级篇
这是一张官方于2006.4月中下旬发行的最新DVD视频教程- CG镜头跟踪技术教程Advanced 高级技术应用篇。本教程的作者应用此镜头跟踪技术制作过的电影有:超人归来 2006,哈里·波特,罪恶之城Sin City等电影。
关于作者:Tim Dobbert 是目前界业镜头跟踪技术的佼佼者,同时在自己的部门也是这方面的高级技术总监,目前主要活动于旧金山,他有相当丰富的镜头跟踪技术,动画技术,以及教育教学能力.他应用跟踪技术创作的电影包括:《地狱男爵》, 《天空上校和明日世界》, 《罪恶之城》, 《哈利-波特4》, 还有新电影《超人归来》首映2006.6.30...同时他有多部著名的商业电视包装工程,还写过一本著名的镜头跟踪技术书籍“Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking.”,他的技术享誉世界。
Topics (in part) included on this 170 minute DVD 章节:
01: Using Survey Data for Camera Solutions
02: Using Matchmoves for Paint Work
03: Enhancing a Matchmoved Camera
04: Blending Multiple Matchmoved Cameras
05: Using an Object1s Motion for a Camera Move
06: On-Set Matchmove Tips
07: Lens Distortion
在这张差不多3个小时的教程中体验与分享好莱坞摄影大师不平凡的影视摄影镜头跟踪教程-高级技法。在这张DVD教程中一定会给你在CG影视摄影镜头跟踪方面的鼓舞与惊喜!给予你在Camera Tracking以启迪以及授予你高效的CG镜头跟踪技巧,同时还讲到混和,增强,延伸应用技法...。这张教程会是相关行业人士苦寻的,若你曾花费数年学习CG影视摄影镜头跟踪的知识,那么这张DVD非常难得。也将是你的福音!
He force a camera solution to fit a pre-built environment and how to use camera tracking for paint work. He also covers blending, enhancing and extending match- moved cameras. Tim shows you how to prepare for a live-action shoot and how to get the right information once you're on-set. There's also a section on advanced object tracking that shows how to use an object's motion to create a camera move. And finally, he covers the tricky problem of lens distortion and how it affects the visual effects workflow.
Using Survey Data
Matchmoves for Paint Work
Enhancing and Blending Cameras
Tracking a Camera Using an Object
On-set Matchmove Tips
Dealing with Lens Distortion
“Tim Dobbert has released a perfect companion to his benchmark book on 3D tracking with this new DVD series on one of the most difficult aspects of visual effects. Ranging from matchmoving fundamentals to object tracking to studio production tips, this series will be essential to those wishing to master the field .”
- Eric Hanson(电影第五元素的特效总监)