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《写歌伴侣》(Songwriters Acoustic Guitar Companion)


更新时间:2007-07-22 09:02:00

文件大小:1.23 GB



Songwriter's Acoustic Guitar Companion

《写歌伴侣》(Songwriters Acoustic Guitar Companion)

这是SONY出的Acid Loops,不知道你有没有这种感觉:听到一段不错的伴奏,你的灵感突然来了,写出了半首歌,但剩下的你写不出来了,咋办呢?嗯。。。其实很简单,下这个听一听,灵感就来了。

附上官网主页的试听,如果你听了几段感觉能跟着哼哼出自己的调来并填词,那就下这个Loop包吧,如果听完之后没反应。。。嗯。。。这个东西就不太适合你。。。。。。 《写歌伴侣》(Songwriters Acoustic Guitar Companion)




这个东西其实是方便不太会弹吉他的人们使用,好像有个吉他手给你伴奏,你跟着唱一样,如果你弹唱很好的话,也没必要下啦~~当然你可以参考一下。 《写歌伴侣》(Songwriters Acoustic Guitar Companion)

With Songwriter's Acoustic Guitar Companion: Expanded Edition, Leo Cavallo and Sony Creative Software name you, the songwriter, as the primary beneficiary of this incredible, 24-bit, double-disc collection of essential chord patterns. Browse through these sounds and you'll be endlessly entertained and amazed as you try to name all the smash hit singles born with just an acoustic guitar, a timeless lyric, and chord progressions just like these! Your amazement will turn into pure inspiration as new songs emerge from your desktop studio, one after another. For our special Expanded Edition, ace producer Leo Cavallo has embellished this already stunning collection with more than 200 megs of fresh material, making your Companion into a full on construction kit! Enjoy a fine assortment of electronica loops ?beats, basses, sweeps, arpeggios, FX, and more - from the producer of our Bass Taster, Downtempo Beats, Euro Techno, ACID® Techno Expander Pack, and Mellow Jazz/Funk Elements collections. But there's more! For this Premium Collection offering, Leo created two fabulous ACID projects that showcase these sounds in combination with a wide selection of sounds from throughout our catalog! Use these royalty-free tracks to kick-start your creative process, get ideas for new tracks, drop onto your multimedia timeline, or enjoy as reference materials for exploring songcraft in ACID. Sony Creative Software is paying attention to the songwriters who love and use our tools. The Songwriter's Acoustic Guitar Companion collection is a breakthrough product that proves it once again: ACID software and Sony Sound Series™ libraries provide the best solutions for songwriters working in the desktop studio environment.
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