Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics
![《计算力学百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics)[DjVu]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0845196.jpg)
这三卷组提供了有关这个在工程科学日益重要领域的最具综合性和最新知识的集合。 该百科全书提供了多方面的和实用的知识库,这样的知识库将成为读者在开发设计、理解、评估及管理数值分析系统方面的研究和实践的基础。
Featuring numerous in-depth and thoroughly cross-referenced articles on key topics, each volume of the Encyclopedia focuses on a specific aspect of the discipline.
Relevant links to chapters on industrial applications are also included.
Volume 1: Fundamentals
Volume 1, Fundamentals, of this prestigious three volume work, introduces the basic methodological, analytical, algorithmic and implementation topics and aspects of computational mechanics. Featuring numerous practical algorithms and tools for students, researchers and practitioners, it provides basic knowledge as well as background information for Volumes 2 and 3, which are devoted to solid and structural mechanics and fluid dynamics. Comprising 26 chapters, Volume 1 provides a sound theoretical base to key areas including discretization methods, geometrical modelling, mesh generation and visualization, solvers of algebraic equation systems and time-dependent problems.
Volume 2: Solids and Structures
Volume 2, Solids and Structures, examines the numerical analysis of solids and structures in the broadest possible sense. Utilizing basic methods outlined in Volume 1, it begins with a comprehensive picture of finite element methods for solids and structures in the linear regime, before moving on to discuss a wide variety of non-linear theories, encompassing structural stabilityproblems as well as instabilities which stem from the properties of the constituent materials. This volume also features chapters that address computational problems specific for particular materials such as concrete, soils, composites, biomaterials and for forming processes. Problems where interaction between fluids and solids play a role are also covered (for example multi-phase media, fluid-structure interaction and structural acoustics). Other important topics that are treated include stochastic finite elements, parameter identification, contact and the analysis of structural problems using boundary element methods.
Volume 3: Fluids
Volume 3 focuses on fluid dynamics, with chapters falling into four main groupings. The first describes additional basic methodologies used in computational fluid dynamics, such as, stabilized and multiscale methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, spectral and hp-methods, and vortex methods. The second grouping is comprised of chapters on various aspects of incompressible viscous flows, including adaptivity and computability, multilevel methods in turbulence, direct and large eddy simulation, Reynolds-average turbulence modeling, non-Newtonian fluids, and blood flow. Grouping three focuses on compressible fluid dynamics. Chapters cover widely used techniques in aerodynamics, recent progress in aeroelasticity, and combustion. The fourth and final grouping relates to problems involving moving domains and free surfaces, including ship hydrodynamics.
Volume 1: Fundamentals
1 Fundamentals, Introduction and Survey
Erwin Stein
2 Finite Difference Methods
Owe Axelsson
3 Interpolation in h -version Finite Element Spaces
Thomas Apel
4 Finite Element Methods
Susanne C. Brenner/Carsten Carstensen
5 The p -version of the Finite Element Method
Ernst Rank/Barna Szabó/Alexander Düster
6 Spectral Methods
Claudio Canuto/Alfio Quarteroni
7 Adaptive Wavelet Techniques in Numerical Simulation
Wolfgang Dahmen/Ronald DeVore/Albert Cohen
8 Plates and Shells: Asymptotic Expansions and Hierarchic Models
Zohar Yosibash/Monique Dauge/Erwan Faou
9 Mixed Finite Elements Methods
Franco Brezzi/Ferdinando Auricchio/Carlo Lovadina
10 Meshfree Methods
Timon Rabczuk/Ted Belytschko/Sonia Fernández-Méndez/Antonio Huerta
11 Discrete Element Method
Nenad Bićanić
12 Boundary Element Methods: Foundation and Error Analysis
W. L. Wendland/G. C. Hsiao
13 Coupling of Boundary Element Methods and Finite Element Methods
Ernst P. Stephan
14 Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Methods
J. Donéa/J.-Ph. Ponthot/A. Rodríguez-Ferran/A. Huerta
15 Finite Volume Methods: Foundation and Analysis
Timothy Barth/Mario Ohlberger
16 Geometrical Modeling of Technical Objects
F.-E. Wolter/M. Reuter/N. Peinecke
17 Mesh Generation and Mesh Adaptivity
P. Laug/P. L. George/P. J. Frey/H. Borouchaki/E. Saltel
18 Computational Visualization
William J. Schroeder/Mark S. Shephard
19 Linear Algebraic Solvers and Eigenvalue Analysis
Henk A. van der Vorst
20 Multigrid Methods for FEM and BEM Applications
Wolfgang Hackbusch
21 Panel Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Matrices for BEM and FEM
Wolfgang Hackbusch
22 Domain Decomposition Methods and Preconditioning
V. G. Korneev/U. Langer
23 Nonlinear Systems and Bifurcations
Werner C. Rheinboldt
24 Adaptive Computational Methods for Parabolic Problems
K. Eriksson/C. Johnson/A. Logg
25 Time-dependent Problems with the Boundary Integral Equation Method
Martin Costabel
26 Finite Element Methods for Maxwell Equations
Leszek Demkowicz
Volume 2: Solids and Structures
1 Solids, Introduction and Survey
René de Borst
2 Finite Element Method for Elasticity with Error-controlled Approximation and Model Adaptivity
Marcus Rüter/Erwin Stein
3 Models and Finite Elements for Thin-walled Structures
W. A. Wall/M. Bischoff/K.-U. Bletzinger/E. Ramm
4 Buckling of Structures
Eduard Riks
5 Linear and Nonlinear Structural Dynamics
Gregory M. Hulbert
6 Computational Contact Mechanics
P. Wriggers/G. Zavarise
7 Elastoplastic and Viscoplastic Deformations in Solids and Structures
F. Armero
8 Crystal Plasticity
Jan Schotte/Christian Miehe
9 Shakedown and Safety Assessment
Nestor Zouain
10 Damage, Material Instabilities, and Failure
René de Borst
11 Computational Fracture Mechanics
Anthony R. Ingraffea
12 Homogenization Methods and Multiscale Modeling
Tarek I. Zohdi
13 Computational Modelling of Damage and Failures in Composite Laminates
J. N. Reddy/D. H. Robbins Jr
14 Computational Modeling of Forming Processes
D. R. J. Owen/D. Perić
15 Computational Concrete Mechanics
Roman Lackner/Herbert A. Mang/Christian Pichler
16 Computational Geomechanics Including Consolidation
John P. Carter/John C. Small
17 Multifield Problems
B. A. Schrefler
18 Computational Biomechanics of Soft Biological Tissue
Gerhard A. Holzapfel
19 Identification of Material Parameters for Constitutive Equations
R. Mahnken
20 Stochastic Finite Element Methods
Steen Krenk/Miguel A. Gutiérrez
21 Fluid-structure Interaction Problems
Roger Ohayon
22 Acoustics
Peter M. Pinsky/Lonny L. Thompson
23 Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Elastic and Plastic Problems
Marc Bonnet
24 Boundary Element Methods for the Dynamic Analysis of Elastic, Viscoelastic, and Piezoelastic Solids
M. Schanz/M. Kögl/L. Gaul/F. Moser
Volume 3: Fluids
1 Fluids, Introduction and Survey
Thomas J. R. Hughes
2 Multiscale and Stabilized Methods
Thomas J. R. Hughes/Leopoldo P. Franca/Guglielmo Scovazzi
3 Spectral Element and hp Methods
Robert M. Kirby/George E.M. Karniadakis
4 Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
B. Cockburn
5 Vortex Methods
G. S. Winckelmans
6 Incompressible Viscous Flows
Rolf Rannacher
7 Computability and Adaptivity in CFD
J. Hoffman/C. Johnson
8 Dynamic Multilevel Methods and Turbulence
T. Dubois/R. M. Temam/F. Jauberteau
9 Turbulence Direct Numerical Simulation and Large-eddy Simulation
Pierre Sagaut
10 Turbulence Closure Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Paul A. Durbin
11 Aerodynamics
Antony Jameson
12 Industrial Aerodynamics
Frédéric L. Chalot
13 CFD-based Nonlinear Computational Aeroelasticity
Charbel Farhat
14 Mixed Finite Element Methods for Non-newtonian Fluid
Patrick D. Anderson/Martien A. Hulsen/Frank P. T. Baaijens
15 Combustion
T. J. Poinsot/D. P. Veynante
16 Blood Flow
Charles A. Taylor
17 Finite Element Methods for Fluid Dynamics with Moving Boundaries and Interfaces
Tayfun E. Tezduyar
18 Ship Hydrodynamics
Sergio R. Idelsohn/Julio Garc í a/Eugenio Oñate
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