![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445474.jpg)
Gnomon Introduction to ZBrush 3
Tools and Workflow with Meats Meier
权威ZBrush3视讯教程,该DVD教程将涉及你开始使用ZBrush的方方面面,阐述了许多隐藏在场景细节和工作流程后的高级技巧,如雕刻,颜色绘制工具,和新特征如拓扑布线、变换工具和映射工具。他还展示了如何使用ZBrush作为插画的工具包,揭示了2.5D Pixol技术的强大功能。作为ZBrush 3.0 测试小组的核心队员,Meat 更接近Pixologic的工作,该DVD将给你更实质的训练。
01: Introduction to Pixol Technology
02: Interface
03: Sculpting
04: Selection
05: Advanced Sculpting
06: ZSpheres
07: SubTools
01: Transpose
02: Color and Texture
03: Material Capture
04: Topology
05: Displacement
06: Illustration
关于作者Meats Meier: Meats Meier是美国的CG设计师,他来自著名的电影城市好莱坞,并自许是个古怪的艺术家!作者是曾经制作过《地狱男爵》《天空上尉与明日世界》一系列名作的三维特技总监:Meats Meier. Maya 7封面的金属丝质感线条搭建出的人你应知道吧,这个作品就是由Meats Meier设计的。
提起三维艺术家Meats Meier,CGer的你应知道,Maya 7导入版面中那个用金属丝质感线条搭建出的人像您一定会印象深刻,而它就是出自Meats Meier之手。这个仅有32岁的三维艺术家,用金属丝构件出一幅又一幅风格鲜明的三维作品。很多作品都被选用做专业杂志封面。他不仅制作三维静态作品,同时还创作了大量的绘画和动画作品,他的CG动画作品更获得过国际动画大奖。Meats Meier可以称的上是CG制作高手。Meats Meier曾经是是一个小有名气的绘画艺术家。某商家希望成立一个开发制作游戏片头动画的工作室,在到处寻找能胜任的人员,Meats Meier与其一拍即合,从此进入了三维行业。从1994年开始从事游戏片头动画设计和角色建模工作以来,他已经在数字图形领域工作了十年。曾经做过插画家,游戏片头动画艺术家,电影技术导演,合成师,可谓经验丰富。目前担任Gnomon视觉特效艺术学校maya和Zbrush课程的教师。2004年他曾经参与制作过漫画改编电影《地狱男爵》的三维部分。在很多专业技术网站上经常能够看到Jim的静帧作品。
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445925.jpg)
注意:本资源经过压缩,解压后是iso映像档,Disc1 Size: 2.88G,Disc2 Size: 2.63G。
Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3
Instructor:Meats MEIER
Formats: (Mac or PC only)
DVD-ROM (2-Disc Set)
This DVD covers everything you need to get started in ZBrush, and exposes many behind the scenes details and advanced working processes. Meats covers all possible sculpting and color painting tools, as well as the new topology, transpose and projection tools. He also shows how to use ZBrush as an illustration package, harnessing the power of the 2.5D Pixol technology. As a core member of the ZBrush 3 beta team, Meats has worked closely with Pixologic to bring you this essential training DVD.
6 hours of lecture.
Topics Covered
·Displacement and Normal Maps
Chapters: Disc One
01: Introduction to Pixol Technology
02: Interface
03: Sculpting
04: Selection
05: Advanced Sculpting
06: ZSpheres
07: SubTools
Chapters: Disc Two
01: Transpose
02: Color and Texture
03: Material Capture
04: Topology
05: Displacement
06: Illustration
Instructor BIO:
Meats Meier is currently a freelance illustrator and animator living in Hollywood, California. He taught the first ever ZBrush course at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects, and is the author of four training DVDs produced by The Gnomon Workshop. Meats is also an award-winning digital artist (including two Expose' Master awards) with over a decade of experience in a wide range of artistic fields. He has worked as an airbrush artist, lead artist at a video game studio, technical director and compositor on feature films, and has had a successful career as an independent artist and illustrator. Meier's artwork has been on the cover of numerous books, magazines and web sites and he was honored with the prestigious "Maya Master" title by Alias at SIGGRAPH 2003. Meats is now working on several music videos and merchandise for major recording artists.
Home Page:
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445362.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445761.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445453.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445921.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445619.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445742.jpg)
![《Gnomon ZBrush3入门教程教程》(Gnomon Workshop:Introduction to ZBrush 3)2DVDs[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0445961.jpg)