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《Zbrush 3.0 人体解剖分析之女性角色》


更新时间:2007-06-19 12:32:00

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《Zbrush 3.0 人体解剖分析之女性角色》

Gnomonology HUMAN ANATOMY: FEMALE (Zbrush 3.0 人体解剖分析之女性角色):
HUMAN ANATOMY: FEMALE Zbrush 3.0 最新人体解剖学:创建女性角色数字雕塑.07年6月2号释放.学习ZBrush 3.0 的人物建模教程,以及雕塑的艺术理,通过此教程来阐述人体解剖学的真实形式。读者们可以实实在在地经历一次不间断的实例学习,学习如何从草图到最终造型的艺术创作过程论,教程针对的读者群是每一位有志于提升自己对人体解剖学和形体发展知识理解的3D用户。
作者:video Zack毕业于克利夫兰美术学院的Zack Petroc,一名著名的电影特效建模师。Zack Petroc现在是Unit Eleven的成员之一,工作是制作热门的电影.“对人体解剖学的掌握是创建真实人物模型的重要前提!3D的创作环境,比如ZBrush,就是一个极好的能表现造型物体的重量、体积和平衡的创作工具,它能从一个基本的立方体开始去完成一个最终的数字物体。”

In this instructional video Zack Petroc elaborates on his approach to digital sculpting through the creation of a female character. Starting with a low resolution box mesh, the viewer watches as Zack begins by adding gesture and rhythm to the character and then takes the design through to final detailing. The lesson takes place in ZBrush 3.0 showcasing a unique approach to developing surface, reading three dimensional form, and establishing relationships between muscle groups. This lecture is intended for all students and professionals who wish to strengthen their character work through furthering their knowledge of human anatomy.

Overview Points:
Anatomical Structure 解剖结构
Form Development 外形发展
Gesture Block-in 姿态摸似
The Half Pose 半身造型
Sculptural Rhythm 雕刻节奏
Weight and Balance 重量和平衡
Superficial Anatomy 表面解剖
Organized Mesh Creation 有组织的网格创建

Chapter 01:
ZB3 interface settings overview
The half pose
Gesture and rhythm
From relationships
Torso block-in
Leg & Foot block-in
Arm & Hand block-in
Torso refinement
Leg refinement
Art refinement
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