![《机械工程和材料工程书籍大全》(Mechanical and Materials book Collection)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7060418/3037865.jpg)
ALCOCK, C. B. (2000). Thermochemical Processes - Principles and Models Thermochemical_Processes.pdf 2021046
ASHBY, M. F. (1998). Engineering Materials (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)/Volume 1 - An Introduction to their Properties and Applications Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME1.pdf 13852322
ASHBY, M. F. (1998). Engineering Materials (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)/Volume 2 - An Introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME2.pdf 12052918
ASHBY, M. F. (2000). Metal Foams - A Design Guide Metal_Foams.pdf 4331242
BACHUS, L. (2003). Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Know_and_Understand_Centrifugal_Pumps.pdf 8129200
BAI, Y. (2003). Marine Structural Design Marine_Structural_Design.pdf 14776644
BAKER, A. A. (2002). Advances in the Bonded Composite Repair of Metallic Aircraft Structure (2 vols.) Advances_Repair_Metallic_Aircraft_Structure_VOLUME1.pdf 14745230
BAKER, A. A. (2002). Advances in the Bonded Composite Repair of Metallic Aircraft Structure (2 vols.) Advances_Repair_Metallic_Aircraft_Structure_VOLUME2.pdf 15016258
BERTRAM, V. (2000). Practical Ship Hydrodynamics Practical_Ship_Hydrodynamics.pdf 2307142
BIRD, J. (2003). Engineering Mathematics (4th ed.) Engineering_Mathematics_4E.pdf 4949257
BLAZEK, J. (2001). Computational Fluid Dynamics - Principles and Applications BLAZEK_Computational_Fluid_Dynamics.pdf 12006916
BLOCH, H. P. (1990). Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) Machinery_Component_Maintenance_2E.pdf 14707675
BLOCH, H. P. (1996). Major Process Equipment Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) Practical_Machinery_Management_2E.pdf 20282256
BLOCH, H. P. (1998). Improving Machinery Reliability (3rd ed.) Improving_Machinery_Reliability_3E.pdf 20008299
BONNICK, A. W. M. (2001). Automotive Computer Controlled Systems - Diagnostic Tools and Techniques Automotive_Computer_Controlled_Systems.pdf 7054772
BOOKER, J. D. (2001). Designing Capable and Reliable Products Designing_Capable_and_Reliable_Products.pdf 18430414
BOYCE, M. P. (2001). Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook (2nd ed.) Gas_Turbine_Engineering_Handbook_2E.pdf 10845891
BRAMWELL, A. R. S. (2001). Bramwell's Helicopter Dynamics (2nd ed.) BRAMWELL_Helicopter_Dynamics_2E.pdf 5722593
BRANDES, E. A. (1992). Smithells Metals Reference Book (7th ed.) Smithells_Metals_Reference_Book_7E.rar 29964954
BRANDES, E. A. (1998). Smithells Light Metals Handbook Smithells_Light_Metals_Handbook.pdf 1850070
BROWN, J. R. (1999). Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook (11th ed.) Foseco_Non-Ferrous_Foundryman's_Handbook_11E.pdf 8078126
BROWN, J. R. (2000). Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook Foseco_Ferrous_Foundryman's_Handbook.pdf 4353593
BRUNDLE, C. R. (1992). Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization - Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films Encyclopedia_of_Materials_Characterization.pdf 20452194
BRYDSON, J. A. (1999). Plastics Materials (7th ed.) Plastics_Materials_7E.pdf 50312959
BURCHELL, T. D. (1999). Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies Carbon_Materials_for_Advanced_Technologies.pdf 14734488
BUTLER, D. (2000). Guide to Ship Repair Estimates - In Man-Hours Guide_to_Ship_Repair_Estimates.pdf 1063141
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME1.rar 20107355
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME2.rar 19030323
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME3.rar 20635291
CAHN, R. W. (2001). The Coming of Materials Science The_Coming_of_Materials_Science.pdf 14712795
CAMPBELL, B. A. (1996). Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft Applications Intro_to_Space_Sciences_Spacecraft_Applications.pdf 5837763
CAMPBELL, J. (2003). Castings - The New Metallurgy of Cast Metals (2nd ed.) Castings_2E.pdf 12156641
CARPINTERI, A. (2003). Biaxial-Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture Biaxial_Multiaxial_Fatigue_and_Fracture.pdf 14766468
CARSON, P. (2002). Hazardous Chemicals Handbook (2nd ed.) Hazardous_Chemicals_Handbook_2E.pdf 2530016
CARVILL, J. (1993). Mechanical Engineer's Data Handbook Mechanical_Engineers_Data_Handbook.pdf 14979729
CHILDS, T. (2000). Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Metal_Machining.pdf 2975032
COCKCROFT, A. N. (2004). A Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules (6th ed.) Collision_Avoidance_Rules_Guide_6E.pdf 4969171
CRAWFORD, R. J. (1998). Plastics Engineering (3rd ed.) Plastics_Engineering_3E.pdf 23049366
DERRETT, D. R. (1999). Ship Stability for Masters and Mates (5th ed.) Ship_Stability_for_Masters_and_Mates_5E.pdf 5976671
DIXON, S. L. (1998). Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (4th ed.) Fluid_Mechanics_and_Thermodynamics_of_Turbomachinery_4E.pdf 3367533
ELICES M. (2002). Fiber Fracture Fiber_Fracture.pdf 11396610
ENDO, M. (1996). Carbon Nanotubes Carbon_Nanotubes.pdf 8382525
EYRES, D. J. (2001). Ship Construction (5th ed.) Ship_Construction_5E.pdf 17982652
GARRETT, T. K. (2001). The Motor Vehicle (13th ed.) The_Motor_Vehicle_13E.pdf 19879099
HALEVI, G. (2001). Handbook of Production Management Methods Handbook_of_Production_Management_Methods.pdf 17105954
HEISLER, H. (2002). Advanced Vehicle Technology (2nd ed.) Advanced_Vehicle_Technology_2E.pdf 8760476
HODKINSON, R. (2001). Lightweight Electric Hybrid Vehicle Design Lightweight_Electric_Hybrid_Vehicle_Design.pdf 8878614
HORLOCK, J. H. (2003). Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles Advanced_Gas_Turbine_Cycles.pdf 5285134
HOUGHTON, E. L. (2002). Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (5th ed.) Aerodynamics_for_Engineering_Students_5E.pdf 16575685
HOUSE, D. J. (2001). Seamanship Techniques (2nd ed.) Seamanship_Techniques_2E.pdf 22475254
HOYLE, D. (2000). Automotive Quality Systems Handbook Automotive_Quality_Systems_Handbook.pdf 2948822
HOYLE, D. (2001). ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook (4th ed.) ISO_9000_Quality_Systems_Handbook_4E.pdf 3379509
HOYLE, D. (2003). ISO 9000_ 2000 - An A-Z Guide ISO_9000'2000_An_A-Z_Guide.pdf 1134100
HUDSON, J. A. (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics (2 vols.)/Part 1 - An Introduction to the Principles Engineering_Rock_Mechanics_VOLUME1.pdf 12221480
HUDSON, J. A. (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics (2 vols.)/Part 2 - Illustrative Worked Examples Engineering_Rock_Mechanics_VOLUME2.pdf 14811234
JENKINSON, L. R. (2003). Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students Aircraft_Design_Projects.pdf 2556382
JONES, D. R. H. (2001). Failure Analysis Case Studies II Failure_Analysis_Case_Studies_II.pdf 12783039
JUDD, S. (2003). Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-Use Membranes_for_Industrial_Wastewater_Recovery.pdf 8829837
KIM, J.-K. (1998). Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites Engineered_Interfaces_in_Fiber_Reinforced_Composites.pdf 11007783
KING, R. P. (2002). Introduction to Practical Fluid Flow Intro_to_Practical_Fluid_Flow.pdf 4082998
KUNDU, P. K. (2001). Fluid Mechanics (2nd ed.) KUNDU_Fluid_Mechanics_2E.pdf 29839448
├─LAI, W. M. (1993). Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (3rd ed.)
│ Introduction_to_Continuum_Mechanics_3E.pdf
├─LESTER, A. (2003).
│ Project_Planning_Control_4E.pdf
├─LIENGME, B. V. (2002). A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers (3rd ed.)
│ Microsoft_Excel_2002_for_Scientists_Engineers_3E.pdf
├─MARCINIAK, Z. (2002). Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (2nd ed.)
│ Mechanics_of_Sheet_Metal_Forming_2E.pdf
├─MARGHITU, D. B. (2001). Mechanical Engineer's Handbook
│ Mechanical_Engineers_Handbook.pdf
├─MATTHEWS, C. (2001). Aeronautical Engineer's Data Book
│ Aeronautical_Engineer_Data_Book.pdf
├─MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Beginning AutoCAD 2002
│ Beginning_AutoCAD_2002.pdf
├─MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Modelling with AutoCAD 2002
│ Modelling_with_AutoCAD_2002.pdf
├─MCGEORGE, H. D. (1995). Marine Auxiliary Machinery (7th ed.)
│ Marine_Auxiliary_Machinery_7E.pdf
├─MEGSON, T. H. G. (1999). Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (3rd ed.)
│ Aircraft_Structures_3E.pdf
├─MERCER, R. B. (2001). Industrial Control Wiring Guide (2nd ed.)
│ Industrial_Control_Wiring_Guide_2E.pdf
├─MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Root Cause Failure Analysis
│ Root_Cause_Failure_Analysis.pdf
├─MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Vibration Fundamentals
│ Vibration_Fundamentals.pdf
├─MOBLEY, R. K. (2002). An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance (2nd ed.)
│ Intro_Predictive_Maintenance_2E.pdf
├─MOBLEY, R. K. (2003). Plant Engineering Handbook
│ Plant_Engineering_Handbook.pdf
├─MOMBER, A. W. (2002). Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures
│ Hydroblasting_and_Coating_of_Steel_Structures.pdf
├─MURAKAMI, Y. (2002). Metal Fatigue - Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions
│ Metal_Fatigue.pdf
├─NEALE, M. J. (1995). The Tribology Handbook (2nd ed.)
│ Tribology_Handbook_2E.pdf
├─OAKLAND, J. S. (2003). Statistical Process Control (5th ed.)
│ Statistical_Process_Control_5E.pdf
├─OHRING, M. (1991). The Materials Science of Thin Films
│ The_Materials_Science_of_Thin_Films.pdf
├─PACEJKA, H. B. (2002). Tyre Mechanics and Vehicle Dynamics
│ Tyre_Vehicle_Dynamics.pdf
├─PAIDOUSSIS, M. P. (1998). Fluid-Structure Interactions - Slender Structures and Axial Flow (vol. 1)
│ Fluid-Structure_Interactions.pdf
├─POPE, J. E. (1996). Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers
│ Rules_of_Thumb_for_Mechanical_Engineers.pdf
├─RAWSON, K. J. (2001). Basic Ship Theory (5th ed.) (2 vols.)
│ │
│ │
│ ├─Volume 1 - Hydrostatics and Strength
│ │ Basic_Ship_Theory_5E_VOLUME1.pdf
│ │
│ └─Volume 2 - Ship Dynamics and Design
│ Basic_Ship_Theory_5E_VOLUME2.pdf
├─REIMPELL, J. (2001). The Automotive Chassis - Engineering Principles (2nd ed.)
│ Automotive_Chassis_2E.pdf
├─RIBBENS, W. B. (1997). Understanding Automotive Electronics (5th ed.)
│ Understanding_Automotive_Electronics_5E.pdf
├─RIDLEY, J. (2002). Safety at Work (6th ed.)
│ Safety_at_Work_6E.pdf
├─ROSATO, D. V. (2003). Plastics Engineered Product Design
│ Plastics_Engineered_Product_Design.pdf
├─SANDLER, B.-Z. (1999). Robotics - Designing the Mechanisms for Automated Machinery (2nd ed.)
│ Robotics_2E.pdf
├─SCHNEEKLUTH, H. (1998). Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy (2nd ed.)
│ Ship_Design_for_Efficiency_and_Economy_2E.pdf
├─SIDERIS, M. (1998). Methods for Monitoring and Diagnosing the Efficiency of Catalytic Converters
│ Monitoring_Diagnosing_Efficiency_Catalytic_Converters.pdf
├─SMALLMAN, R. E. (1999). Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Science, Process, Application
│ Modern_Physical_Metallurgy_Materials_Engineering_6E.pdf
├─SMITH, D. J. (2001). Reliability, Maintainability and Risk - Practical Methods for Engineers (6th ed.)
│ Reliability_Maintainability_Risk_6E.pdf
├─SMITH, E. H. (1994). Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book (12th ed.)
│ Mechanical_Engineers_Reference_Book_12E.pdf
├─STACHOWIAK, G. W. (2000). Engineering Tribology (2nd ed.)
│ Engineering_Tribology_2E.pdf
├─STOLARSKI, T. A. (1990). Tribology in Machine Design
│ Tribology_in_Machine_Design.pdf
├─TANAKA, K. (1999). The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes
│ Science_Technology_Carbon_Nanotubes.pdf
├─TAYLOR, D. A. (1996). Introduction to Marine Engineering (2nd ed.)
│ Intro_to_Marine_Engineering_2E.pdf
├─TETLEY, L. (2001). Electronic Navigation Systems (3rd ed.)
│ Electronic_Navigation_Systems_3E.pdf
├─TONG, L. (2002). 3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
│ 3D_Fibre_Reinforced_Polymer_Composites.pdf
├─TROTT, A. R. (2000). Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (3rd ed.)
│ Refrigeration _and_Air-Conditioning_3E.pdf
├─TUPPER, E. C. (1996). Introduction to Naval Architecture (3rd ed.)
│ Intro_to_Naval_Architecture_3E.pdf
├─VASILIEV, V. V. (2001). Mechanics and Analysis of Composite Materials
│ Mechanics_Analysis_Composite_Materials.pdf
├─WATSON, D. G. M. (1998). Practical Ship Design
│ Practical_Ship_Design.pdf
├─WILLMOTT, P. (2001). TPM - A Route to World-Class Performance
│ TPM_Route_to_World_Class_Performance.pdf
├─WOODYARD, D. F. (2004). Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines (8th ed.)
│ POUNDER_Marine_Diesel_Engines_Gas_Turbines_8E.pdf
├─WU, Y.-S. (2001). Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (vol. 1)
│ Practical_Design_Ships_Floating_Structures_VOLUME1.pdf
├─YASUDA, E. (2003). Carbon Alloys - Novel Concepts to Develop Carbon Science and Technology
│ Carbon_Alloys.pdf
├─YUN, L. (2000). Theory and Design of Air Cushion Craft
│ Theory_Design_Air_Cushion_Craft.pdf
└─ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C. (2000). The Finite Element Method (5th ed.) (3 vols.)
├─Volume 1 - The Basis
│ Finite_Element_Method_5E_VOLUME1.pdf
├─Volume 2 - Solid Mechanics
│ Finite_Element_Method_5E_VOLUME2.pdf
└─Volume 3 - Fluid Dynamics