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《modo建模教程--运动鞋》(Luxology Training Videos Sports Shoe Album01)203[ISO]


更新时间:2007-04-22 18:06:00

文件大小:639 MB




《modo建模教程--运动鞋》(Luxology Training Videos Sports Shoe Album01)203[ISO]

Model, texture and render this athletic shoe using modo 203
with Luxology's Andy Brown.

Modern athletic shoes are an impressive blend of design and engineering.
Learning how to model one in modo lets you master skills that will serve you
well in the creation of various other hard and softbody objects
- backpacks, luggage and the like.

This series of video tutorials takes you step by step (no pun intended)
through the creation of an athletic shoe.
Not only will you be shown how to model the shoe,
piece by piece, you will also learn how to create UV maps
and prepare the shoe for a presentation rendering.
Models in modo's .LXO format are supplied with many of the videos
so that you have access to the project at each stage.

This set of video tutorials makes use of modo 203's new UV editing tools
and benefits from the increased rendering speed in modo 203 as well.
An introduction to the use of 3rd party modo scripts is provided.
Tutorials also include use of imageSynth and Adobe Photoshop.

* Loading Scripts
* Upper Poly Flow
* Layering Upper Geometry
* Midsole Shaping and Poly Flow
* Laces and Material Imperfections
* UV Creation
* Upper Detail Displacement and Bump
* Outersole Details and Tread
* Setting the Scene
* Shading
* Rendering for Print


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