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《威力导演6》(CyberLink PowerDirector v6.00.1509 Deluxe)


更新时间:2007-03-18 23:32:00

文件大小:191 MB




《威力导演6》(CyberLink PowerDirector v6.00.1509 Deluxe)

CyberLink PowerDirector 6

“威力导演PowerDirector”是一套制作CD、DVD电影作品的完全解决方案,可让使用者进行截取、编辑、菜单制作、及刻录电影作品于DVD、VCD、SVCD及MiniDVD光盘,轻松截取影像及编辑影片,同时还拥有独特的光盘制作精灵,让你快速简易地执行影片制作及刻录。同属顶级影片剪辑威力导演PowerDirector 标准版软件,具备专业级好莱坞影片特效功能,独家之智慧型高速不失真影片输出技术SVRT,可快速编辑处理影片,新增之DV-AVI格式支持,让初学者立刻上手成为专业级的影片导演!

威力导演是影片制作软件的新里程碑,制作专业的影片/影音光盘,任何人皆可成为创意十足的影音玩家!独特脚本区/时间轴双介面,兼具简易使用与专业精确的优点;首创DV 扫瞄功能,能够快速扫瞄整卷DV影片,截取指定片段,配合最新SVRT 2技术,全面提升影音输出处理速度!除此之外,威力导演还提供了百余种文字、转场特效及前所未见的影片特效,能让您制作出最具特色的影片及DVD光盘!

《威力导演6》(CyberLink PowerDirector v6.00.1509 Deluxe)

CyberLink PowerDirector 6

Magic Video Editing for Creating Dynamic Movies

·Edit videos and slideshows automatically with stunning titles, effects, and transitions
·Quickly fix and improve videos with magic enhancement tools
·Achieve the results you want with advanced editing features including key frame PiPs and menu editor
·Import from high-def camcorders to create high-def movies
·Publish directly to the web on Streamload or YouTube

Your Complete Production Studio for Editing and Publishing Home Movies

Free the director within using new tools and templates

·DVD Template Designer - 29 new designs, moveable buttons, text and color tools let you create stylish menus for your movie DVDs
·Slideshow Wizard - New styles for presenting photos let you turn a folder of image files into a dynamic slideshow in minutes
·Animated PiP Designer - New alpha-blended objects and a motion path generator create dramatic PiP effects to enhance your video content
·Video Subtitle Room - Easily inserted directly on the screen or imported as text, new video subtitles offer an easy way to caption scenes and describe video content

Edit videos automatically, fix images and audio

·Magic Movie Wizard - Great for beginners, convenient for experts, the automated step-by-step approach quickly guides you through movie production.
·Improved Magic Style - New animation elements and refreshed themes let you automatically edit your movie, add effects, and insert a title and credits using a handy timeline. Add or remove any part of the timeline after creating it.
·Improved Magic Fix - Enhanced precision ensures that shaky videos are stabilized with greater accuracy, photos are sharpened
·Improved Magic Clean - New back light correction and white balance improve hard-to-fix mistakes often caused by poor lighting conditions

Personalize videos with humor and style

·Cool transitions and effects - Huge library of transitions and effects turns video clips and photos into an alluring storyline
·Dialog Balloons - Drag-and-drop templates let you add unspoken thoughts and highlight sections of conversation for humorous results
·Title templates - Multiple layers, animated text, and a choice of font and color, create professional opening titles, stylish chapter names, and closing credits
·Audio track for PiPs - Heighten the impact of moving PiP objects with accompanying sounds

Publish videos online or take them on the go

·Publish directly to YouTube - Get seen by millions of viewers by outputting your file directly to YouTube
·Store files online via Media Max powered by Streamload.com - 25 MB of free online storage provides access to your files via the internet
·Write back to HDV tape - Storage on your HDV tape lets you use your camcorder as your playback device
·Burn to DVD - Built-in disc authoring creates DVDs for playback on a home player or PC
·Output as a file for iPod or PSP - Produce movies that you can watch everywhere

《威力导演6》(CyberLink PowerDirector v6.00.1509 Deluxe)

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