![《虚拟演播室》(Serious Magic Ultra v2.0)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6120614/4407149.jpg)
Serious Magic Ultra v2.0 (虚拟演播室):
Serious Magic的ULTRA 2是一个技术突破,他可以为各种类型的视频专家的日常制作工具传送抠像。ULTRA 2的拖拉简单应用可以让视频编辑者创作各个细节都让人相信的更真实的背景,即使是在蓝背景布好的视频素材上。
此为最新版本:Serious Magic Ultra 2.0.2269.5,2006年11底发布。
ULTRA 2 is the tool digital video editors have been waiting for. It creates broadcast-quality backgrounds on Digital Video(DV), for convincing backgrounds with excellent results. Create 3D virtual sets and animated backgrounds -- enhance your productions whether they're corporate, educational settings, newsrooms or futuristic studios. Use it in the field or studio with minimal set up, for 3D virtual sets that are simple and affordable. Special effects, such as virtual camera fly-throughs, simulate realistic motion tracking within the scene VirtualTrak adds virtual pans and zooms from stationary camera shots, in perfect sync with your keyed backgrounds Flexible placement with edge cropping, scaling, and orientation settings allow total control over the placement of your source clips Real-time color correction on input and output clips along with spill suppression, color curve, and desaturation controls Video inputs for AVI, MPEG, QuickTime and DV files or any format with a codec installed Output files can be uncompressed AVI, DV, 24-bit, and 32-bit AVIs with alpha channel for later compositing with any standard video editing system
ULTRA 2的矢量色键(Vector Keying)技术是你原有的视频编辑软件上的抠像器无法比拟的。在以前不可能抠像的画面– 不均匀的灯光,褶皱的背景,卷曲的头发 – 可以在几秒钟内就完成抠像。ULTRA 2还可以保留主持人的身影,和获得复杂的抠像,象烟雾,液体和带微效果的透明物体。他的确是不寻常的。
![《虚拟演播室》(Serious Magic Ultra v2.0)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6120614/4407107.jpg)
![《虚拟演播室》(Serious Magic Ultra v2.0)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6120614/4407285.jpg)
ULTRA 2使高终端的虚拟演播室垂手可得。ULTRA 2的Master Sets Libraries超出了传统的静止镜头,包含惊险的飞动摄象机镜头,移动舞台,移动拍摄的电影。 场景包含多个B-素材选项和近距离,中间的和远距离镜头的摄象机角度。这些库,单独销售,可在ULTRA 2中无缝的使用。
ULTRA的Vector Keying? 技术是不均匀的灯光,褶皱的背景和卷曲的头发等抠像噩梦的补偿。
ULTRA读写从Avid到Adobe Premiere到Final Cut Pro的标准的AVI, DV, HDV和HD视频素材
![《虚拟演播室》(Serious Magic Ultra v2.0)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6120614/4407929.jpg)
ULTRA 2给所有类型的视频专家的日常制作工具传输DV,HDV和HD抠像 。由于Ultra的面世,你花极少的钱即可以拥有一个数字虚拟演播室系统。你的演播室的灯光减少了;你可以带你的演播室去现场—你有了移动虚拟演播室;最主要的是--你也可以作出过去只有大电视台几十万人民币的设备才能作出的节目。
虚拟演播室-Master Sets Libraries.iso中包含了一个虚拟演播室的安装程序(这个因为偶已经发布了一个可用的,就不用再安装了 )和虚拟演播室的主库;
虚拟演播室-Missing Sets for Master Sets Livrary04 FIXED.iso是库04的增补.
![《虚拟演播室》(Serious Magic Ultra v2.0)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6121814/0536187.jpg)