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《Visual Basic 2005 入门教程》(InsertKnowledgeHere Beginning Visual Basic 2005-fJr )[Bin]


更新时间:2007-02-25 11:05:00

文件大小:434 MB




 Visual Basic 2005教程
InsertKnowledgeHere Beginning Visual Basic 2005-fJr

《Visual Basic 2005 入门教程》(InsertKnowledgeHere Beginning Visual Basic 2005-fJr )[Bin]


Insert Knowledge Here™出品的Visual Basic® 2005教程
This is the ultimate Visual Basic® .NET 2005 training package created by Insert Knowledge Here ™! We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau and these are all new original videos taught by us! The best part is that you are buying expert training for about one-tenth the cost of buying a course elsewhere. As an added incentive we offer free training and certification advice to all of our customers. We are actual instructors who care about your training and certification needs.

* Videos are in standard .AVI format for ease of use
* ORIGINAL training material, NOT illegal, unlicensed copies
* Training led by CERTIFIED instructors
* Excellent video and sound quality
* No boring instructors who put you to sleep
* Very intensive hands-on interactive labs
* Instructor's sample code and all projects included
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