3ds max Games Development Series Vol 1 DVD1 (3Ds MAX游戏制作系列):
通过3ds max 7 版本全面、系统地讲解了从角色设计、角色建模、绘制角色贴图、场景制作到最后的角色动画设定以及输出到游戏的全部制作过程。
3Ds MAX游戏制作系列(Vol 1-2 )——场景,资源和人物建模。3Ds MAX游戏制作系列共4DVD。
在这个3Ds MAX游戏制作系列里 - Volume 1,你会学到所有建立游戏的场景,建模,资源和把你自己设计的游戏人物输出到Unreal Engine里所有需要知道的知识。这个Volume有2个DVD组成包括以下内容:
学习Edgeloop建模,多边形人物建模和把你所创建的任务输出到Unreal Engine 2 Runtime
用Unreal Engine 2 Runtime与3Ds MAX 结合制作你的游戏
学习怎样把你的场景放到Unreal Engine Runtime里,通过视窗导航,制定等级区和使用Unreal 所有的功能来完成你整个游戏。
In 3ds max Games Development Series - Volume 1, you’ll learn everything you need to know about building your games environment, modeling your games assets and designing your games characters for export to the Unreal® Engine 2 runtime. This volume consists of two DVDs covering the following topics:
Modeling Your Games Environment and Assets:
Learn how to model your buildings, create feature assets such as guns, and apply techniques such as normal mapping.
Modeling Your Games Characters:
Learn about edgeloop modeling, polygonal character modeling and exporting your characters to the Unreal Engine 2 Runtime.
Developing your Games with the Unreal Engine 2 Runtime and 3ds max:
Learn how to bring your scene into the Unreal Engine 2 Runtime, navigate through the views, define level zoning, and use all of the Unreal features to create your entire games environment.