中文名称:Basic.Net 高级编程
英文名称:AppDev - Advanced Visual Basic .NET

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Part One:
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Sessions 16
Run Time 26 hours
In the first part of this course you will learn how to use Visual Studio .NET and Visual Basic .NET to build applications to run on the .NET platform. You will become familiar with the new Visual Basic .NET programming syntax including new object-oriented enhancements like inheritance. This course teaches you how to create Windows Forms and trap Windows Forms Events. You will learn how to access data using the new objects in ADO.NET including the DataReader, DataAdapter, and DataSet. Learn to build solid applications using the new Try/Catch block and Exception Object for efficient error trapping and Event logging and Breakpoints for effective debugging.
Once you have mastered the basics of Visual Basic .NET, you will learn how to access legacy code in COM components through Visual Basic .NET. Understand how to use ADO.NET to manage data through table constraints, data-binding and transactions. Tap into the Internet by building Web-based application and XML Web Services including understanding Microsoft's SOAP toolkit, UDDI, and how to build Web Services consumers. Learn how to leverage the security features in the .NET framework to lock down your application and build powerful reports using Crystal Reports. Deploy your application effortlessly by understanding how to create Windows Installer Packages.
In this course you will...
Learn about Windows Forms
Get up to speed on the new Visual Basic syntax
Understand how to trap Windows Forms events
Learn basic object-oriented programming techniques
See the latest Windows Forms controls
Become familiar with classes for handling string and date data
Learn how to access data using ADO.NET
Understand how to use inheritance and override members
Work with the new VB.NET debugging features
Understand error handling using Exception objects
Learn how to work with the Windows file system
Investigate new .NET data structures
Learn the role of DataSets in ADO.NET
Understand how to build Windows Services
Learn how to create data-bBound application
Build XML Web Services
See how VB.NET can access COM components
Become familiar with ASP.NET and server controls
Learn about .NET security
Understand how to build reports using Crystal Reports
Learn to create MDI applications
See how to efficiently deploy your VB.NET applications
SESSION 1 (114:41)
Introduction to Windows Forms
Yes, .NET Does Windows
Adding Controls to a Form
A Peek behind the Scenes
Adding Event Handling Code
Adding a Menu to the Form
Adding Non-Graphical Components
VB.NET Nuts and Bolts
Creating Console Applications
Creating a New Visual Basic.NET Project
Modules and Classes
SESSION 2 (97:21)
VB.NET Nuts and Bolts (cont.)
Variables, Operators, and Data Types
Procedures, Arguments, Looping, and Control Flow
The Windows Forms Event Model
How Visual Basic.NET Handles Events
Understanding Delegates
Anatomy of an Event Handler
Exploring Form and Control Events
SESSION 3 (99:28)
Classes and Objects
Using Objects to Organize a Complex World
Defining Classes
Constructing Objects
Creating and Using Properties
Creating and Using Methods
Raising and Handling Events
Windows Forms Controls
TabControl, Context Menu, TrackBar
SESSION 4 (108:21)
Windows Forms Controls (cont.)
TabControl, Context Menu, TrackBar (cont.)
NumericUpDown, DomainUpDown
Label, CheckBox, RadioButton
Adding Controls Dynamically
Other List Controls
Anchoring and Docking
Using the Splitter Control
Dialog Controls
SESSION 5 (90:03)
Working with Strings and Dates
Working with Text: The String Class
Manipulating Text with the StringBuilder Class
Working with Dates and Times
Handling Elapsed Times with the TimeSpan Type
Exception Handling
Perspectives on Exception Handling
Adding a Simple Try/Catch Block
Using an Exception Object
Catching Specific Exceptions
Using the Throw Keyword
Using the Finally Block
SESSION 6 (113:15)
Debugging Your Applications
Configuring the Debugging Environment
Debugging Syntax Errors
Configuring Debugging in Visual Studio .NET
Setting Breakpoints and Stepping through Code
Exploring the Debugging Windows
Writing to the Windows Event Log
Inheritance and Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
Supporting Inheritance
Creating a Derived Class
Overriding in Action
Customizing Controls with Inheritance
SESSION 7 (80:49)
Inheritance and Interfaces (cont.)
Using Interfaces
Implementing IComparable to Enable Sorting
Handling Input/Output Tasks
Introducing the System.IO Namespace
Selecting Files
Handling Path Information
Working with Directories and Files
Reading and Writing Text Files
SESSION 8 (102:21)
Investigating .NET Data Structures
Working with Arrays
Useful System.Array Members
Arrays in the .NET Framework
The ArrayList Class
The HashTable Class
The SortedList Class
The Stack and Queue Classes
Creating Strongly Typed Collections
SESSION 9 (93:39)
Accessing Data
Overview of ADO.NET
Connecting to Data
Executing Commands
Working with Data
Choosing an ADO.NET Provider
Using COM Objects in Visual Basic .NET
Using Platform Invocation Services
SESSION 10 (107:02)
Interoperability (cont.)
Call .NET Assemblies from Visual Basic 6.0
Creating Data-Bound Applications
Data Binding Basics
Using the Data Form Wizard
Introduction to ASP.NET
A Review of Classic ASP
ASP.NET Web Applications
SESSION 11 (106:55)
Introduction to ASP.NET (cont.)
Rendering HTML with Server Controls
Managing Data with ADO.NET DataSets
The Role of DataSets in ADO.NET
Using DataSets in ASP.NET
Saving DataSets in Session State
Using DataTable Constraints and DataSet DataRelations
Using DataSets with DataAdapters to Modify Data
SESSION 12 (107:04)
Managing Data with ADO.NET DataSets (cont.)
Using DataSets with DataAdapters to Modify Data (cont.)
The Transactional Model in DataSets
DataSets and XML
Typed DataSets
Creating Reports Using Crystal Reports
Introducing Crystal Reports
Creating a Simple Report
SESSION 13 (95:59)
Creating Reports Using Crystal Reports (cont.)
Using Custom Formulas
Add Custom Grouping and Totals
Filtering the Report
Creating Windows Services
Introducing Windows Services
Building Your First Windows Service
The FileWatcher Service
Creating and Consuming XML Web Services
The Motivation for XML Web Services
Creating an XML Web Service with Visual Studio .NET
Designing XML Web Services
SESSION 14 (105:03)
Creating and Consuming XML Web Services (cont.)
Creating .NET Consumers
Web Services and Legacy Clients
Discovering Web Services Using UDDI
Data Binding Techniques
Synchronizing Multiple DataGrid Controls
Formatting a DataGrid Control
Limit Editing in a DataGrid
Working with the ListBox Control
Working with Binary Data
Overview of Security in .NET
Permission Requests
SESSION 15 (100:34)
Security (cont.)
Using Role-Based Security
Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI) and Graphics (GDI+)
Creating MDI Applications
The Scribble Application
SESSION 16 (106:58)
Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI) and Graphics (GDI+) (cont.)
Drawing on Forms
Creating Transparent Areas in Forms
Creating Shaped Forms
Part Two:
Advanced Visual Basic .NET
Sessions 7
Run Time 11 hours
In this course, you'll investigate some of the important classes and tools provided by the .NET Framework that you might have missed in earlier courses. This courses focuses on important development techniques, such as delegates and events, asynchronous programming and multi-threading, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) support in the System.Management namespace, serialization, attributes and reflection, printing, working with XML documents, and creating custom controls.
Advanced Visual Basic .NET Training will teach you to...
Use delegates to make your code more flexible and maintainable
Take advantage of asynchronous programming techniques, and know when to use explicit multi-threading
Manage computers as well as hardware and software resources using .NET code and WMI
Store and retrieve data using .NET serialization
Work with .NET attributes, and discover information about code using .NET reflection
Print text and graphics from within .NET Windows applications
Read and write XML data using the XmlDocument class
Create three different types of custom controls for Windows forms
Delegates and Events
Motivating Delegates
Introducing Delegates
Working with Events
Asynchronous Programming in VB.NET
Processes and Threads
Using Delegates
Using the Thread Pool Directly
Timers and Threads
Using .NET Timers
Creating Your Own Threads
Filling the .NET Gaps with WMI
Introducing WMI
Getting Started with WMI
WMI Queries, Properties, and Methods
WMI Server Explorer Extensions
WMI Events and Asynchronous Handling
Creating WMI Event Handlers
Working with WMI Asynchronously
WMI Server Explorer Extensions and Events
Introducing Serialization
Serializing Complex Objects
Customizing the Serialization Process
Attributes and Reflection
Introducing Attributes
Creating and Using Custom Attributes
Introducing Reflection
Using Reflection to Perform Late Binding
Printers and Printing
The PrintDocument Class
The PageSettings Class
The PrinterSettings Class
Working with Print-Related Controls
A More Complex Report
Reading and Writing XML
Getting Started
Reading XML Data
Working with Nodes
Creating and Modifying XML
Dealing with Errors
Creating Custom Windows Controls
Control Creation in Windows Forms
Inheriting from an Existing Control
Drawing Your Own Custom Controls
Creating Composite Controls