教程面向对 Cinema 4D模型有一定了解的中高级用户.
在教程中 Jannis Labelle 示范了使用Edge-Extrude 插件对头部建模,
并使用了尽可能多的截屏使得教程通俗易懂,所使用的技术易于上手,并可推广如在maya中 使用
In this tutorial, Jannis Labelle demonstrates modeling a head using the Edge-Extrude plugin. This is a tutorial for intermediate or advanced Modelers with Cinema 4D who already have an understanding of the modeling capabilities of the software, although enthusiastic beginners can follow also with a little bit of perseverance. Jannis has tried to include as many screen shots as possible and tries to make the instructions clear and let the pictures talk for themselves. This technique can also be easily followed with any program that can extrude edges, like Maya for instance.
For this tutorial, you will need the Edge-Extrude plugin and you can buy it from here. Until I discovered it when I bought the book from Arndt von Koenigsmarck Maxon Cinema 4d 7, I found modeling in Cinema very hard going. With the plugin it becomes a sheer pleasure and for subdivision surfaces for me, Cinema becomes the fastest and most efficient modeling software. Since the plugin is now integrated in Cinema R8 this could be a very good tutorial to test drive the new version. This head took me about 4 hours to model, including creating and saving over 70 screenshots, so you can see that the plugin speeds along and it is far more efficient than modeling by subdividing primitives. If you are modeling organic meshes, that is.