中文名称:11.26补丁包1.1 Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC破解版
英文名称:Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC patch
![《11.26补丁包1.1 Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC破解版》(Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC patch)11.26升级补丁包1.1[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/5112806/0714529.jpg)
[已通过安全检测]卡巴斯基反病毒Personal Pro 5.0.390 病毒库:2005.11.21
软件名称:Mac OS X Tiger
版本号: 10.4.3 破解版
软件语言: 英文/简体中文
另外在VM安装的,将VM客户机配置文件.vmx的添加项paevm=ture改为paevm= "TRUE"
Maxxuss DVD/ISO Patcher for 10.4.3 x86 (8F1099)
This is the second release (v1.1) of my DVD/ISO Patcher. It will modify an ISO image of the Mac OS 10.4.3 x86 (Build 8F1099) DTK DVD. The result is a fully working ISO from which you can install Mac OS X on your system.
The minimum requirement for running Mac OS X 10.4.3 x86 is a CPU with SSE2 and PAE. See also my discussion on these confusing CPU features.
Contents of the DVD/ISO Patcher
The Patcher puts all the required patches for 10.4.3 and also some kernel extensions for better hardware support on the ISO. Here's the complete list:
Maxxuss Boot Loader Patch (applied to ISO)
Maxxuss Mach Kernel Patch v0.3 and, for non-NX/XD CPUs, v0.3b
Maxxuss Anti-TPM Patch v1.0: oah750, oah750d
Kernel Extensions:
ApplePS2Controller (keyboard, mouse, trackpad),
AppleOnboardPCATA.kext (with NForce deviceIDs),
AppleAC97Audio.kext (with NForce deviceIDs) and Maxxuss VMWare Sound Driver,
Maxxuss VMWare Network Driver.
removes AppleTPMACPI and AppleFPMemDriver kernel extensions.
Most of these files are also contained in an installation package "MaxxussPatches.pkg" on the ISO , which is automatically installed during the Mac OS X installation procedure. So you do not have to do anything special before, during and afterwards.
Added since v1.0: Kernel v0.3b (was v1.0_addon), broader NForce device support, Audio drivers.
The download of the DVD/ISO Patcher v1.1 is available from these locations as a ZIP archive (~ 45 MB):
How to use the Patcher
Preparation of the ISO Image file
Convert the DMG to an ISO file. I used UltraISO v7.6.1125 (ed2k link) and clicked on "Tools -> Convert to Standard ISO".
The MD5 (output of md5sum) of my DMG image file is: daf72f000bd860360ae494d915058af6 ("10.4.3_8f1099_for_dtk_userdvd.dmg").
The MD5 of my ISO image file is: e7d86fefb4b5155890addbf7fae19398
(If yours differ, you still may give it a try as the patcher does not validate and would proceed even in case of different binaries).
Patching the ISO Image file
The Patcher file (.ppf) serves as an input for the PPF 3.0 patcher software. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. For Mac, to prevent it from crashing, double-click the .ppf file (which starts PPF), then select ISO image and apply patch. There's also the command-line version and a Java version available.
Booting and Installing
The patched ISO image contains three different Mach Kernels. You need to boot the patched DVD/ISO with the right kernel for your CPU needs:
mach_kernel (default): same as mach_kernel.nonx,
mach_kernel.sse2: supports SSE2 CPUs, requires NX/XD CPU support,
mach_kernel.nonx: supports SSE2 CPUs, does not require NX/XD CPU support,
mach_kernel.orig: the original kernel, for use with SSE3 CPUs with NX/XD support.
If you're fine with the default kernel, there is nothing to do and can simply hit Return at the Darwin Boot prompt. But if you require for example "mach_kernel.sse2", then you should enter "mach_kernel.sse2".
Problems and Workarounds
Some users have noted they get the error "Cannot load /com.apple.Boot.plist" after the boot prompt. This should help: Enter the boot promt and hit Return or a boot option.
If have made it past the boot promt and the system loads for a while but then hangs and nothing seems to happen anymore, don't give up! Just wait a while, up to 5 minutes. It's often seen (usually in VMWare) that the DVD drive virtualization causes these stalls, but the system resumes after a while.
If nothing helps, use boot options "-v -s" (additionally to your kernel selection) and see what is printed to the console. The "-s" option should get you into single-user mode. If you can get here, press Ctrl-D to resume the boot procedure. If nothing works, make a note of the console output and visit the forums.
Booting from the Installed Mac OS X Volume
After the installation has succeeded, you can now boot your new system. As before, there are several kernels available for your CPU needs (see the list above: mach_kernel, mach_kernel.sse2, mach_kernel.nonx and mach_kernel.orig.
To select your kernel of choice, you have several options:
Enter the name at the boot promt, e.g. "mach_kernel.nonx",
As root or with "sudo" copy the kernel file to "mach_kernel", e.g. "cp /mach_kernel.sse2 /mach_kernel",
As root or with "sudo" edit the file "com.apple.Boot.plist" in the folder "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration".
If you boot Mac OS X 10.4.3 in VMWare please note:
Set "paevm=true" in your .vmx configuration file
Mount the ISO using Daemon Tools etc., not with the VMWare CD/DVD drive emulation.
If you tried everything but can't boot it NATIVE without a panic
User xtraa has found a great way to install Mac OS X 10.4.3 for native use. He uses VMWare to install to a physical partition and then boot natively from it. It seems to work for a lot of users. Make sure you check out his guide.
Something missing?
Some kernel extensions might be missing for your optimal hardware support. You should be able to put them into your working system afterwards (just copy to the /System/Library/Extensions folder). If something is missing, please send me a private message (PM) at the Mac OS X86 forum. Please also send me a PM if you can provide something, e.g. new kernel extensions or modifications to existing ones to support a broader range of device variants.
Here's a list of Maxxuss releases not included in the DVD/ISO Patcher v1.1. However, I've prepared them for easy installation:
SSE3->SSE2 Additional Patch for 10.4.3 v1
Alternative DVD/ISO Patchers
You might also check out other DVD/ISO patchers. For example, in this forum thread the users EtherealRemnant, pianoman, myzar and wesley are providing an alternative installer (InstallerPatchv3.zip). Also look for Patcher and Kernel extension releases from forum users like macgirl etc.
e7d86fefb4b5155890addbf7fae19398 (切记一定要做MD5校验)
二、然后下载PPF-O-Matic 3.0这个工具,将下载的补丁包解压,解压后是PPF文件,用下载的PPF-O-Matic 3.0给你转换的ISO文件打补丁。
(1) 在装之前,用PQ8分区大师(最好汉化的)先分出一个6G以上(一般10G以上最好)空白分区,分区切记一定要在扩展分区之前,否则不能安装。
(2) 然后创建主分区:
SELECT DISK 0(本说明只讲单硬盘,如果为双硬盘的第二个,则为DISK 1)
CREATE partition primary ID=AF
(3) 要装上DEAMON TOOL虚拟光驱,将转换好的ISO文件导入虚拟光驱中。
(4) 之后用记事本打开你的VM虚拟机下的.vmx配置文件,添加一行:paevm=true
之所以这样,是因为10.4.3版的Tiger要求CPU的PAE(Physical Address Extension)支持(用HWINF32可以查看),所以没有PAE的机子还是用VM安装。
(5) 之后启动VM,将DEAMON TOOL的光驱导入VM光驱中,启动安装。
如果出现 "Cannot load /com.apple.Boot.plist"这样的错误信息,可以在启动提示时按F8然后输入:
mach_kernel (默认): 同 mach_kernel.sse2 一样
mach_kernel.sse2: 支持 SSE2 CPUs, 需 NX/XD CPU 支持(在XP中可以打开控制面板-系统
mach_kernel.nonx: 支持 SSE2 CPUs, 不需要 NX/XD CPU 支持
mach_kernel.orig: 原来的内核, SSE3 CPUs 带 NX/XD 支持的
(6) 在进入安装界面后,选择上面的disk utility,将要安装的分区(会突显)erase,然后安装就可以了。
![《11.26补丁包1.1 Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC破解版》(Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 For x86 PC patch)11.26升级补丁包1.1[ISO]](/images/emot/happy.gif)
只有是SSE2 或 SSE3的机子,AMD的机子是兼容SSE2/SSE3的,也应该都是可以安装的。
MAC Tiger可以实体安装,也可以用VM模拟安装做客户机,在VM上安装时,要在.vmx配置文件上加上一行 "paevm=true" 。先将ISO文件导入Daemon Tools 虚拟光驱中, 不要用 VMWare CD/DVD 光盘驱动器模拟.
Maxxuss DVD/ISO Patcher for 10.4.3 x86
This is the first version (v1.0) of my DVD/ISO Patcher. It
will modify an ISO image of the Mac OS 10.4.3 x86 DTK (8F1099) DVD. This results
in a fully working ISO from which you can install Mac OS X on your system.
Contents of the DVD/ISO Patcher
Boot Loader Patch (applied to ISO)
Mach Kernel v0.3
Anti-TPM Patch v1.0: oah750, oah750d
ApplePS2Controller (更好的支持 PS2键盘, PS2鼠标, trackpad),
Maxxuss VMWare Network Driver.
remove AppleTPMACPI and AppleFPMemDriver 内核扩展.
在ISO上这些文件由一个安装包"MaxxussPatches.pkg" 在安装系统时自动进行安装.
So you do not have to do anything special before, during and afterwards.
ZIP文档 (大约~ 45MB):
用UltraISO v7.6.5转换 DMG 为 ISO 文件。
DMG转换为ISO文件"10.4.3_8f1099_for_dtk_userdvd.iso"后的 MD5 值为:
(如果MD5值不一样, 将不会得到一个有效的文件).
补丁文件 (.ppf) 打补丁程序在 PPF 3.0 patcher software下载. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
如果出现 "Cannot load /com.apple.Boot.plist"这样的错误信息,可以在启动提示时按回车或进入设置,选择你适合的内核设置,有如下几种内核:
mach_kernel (默认t): same as mach_kernel.sse2
mach_kernel.sse2: supports SSE2 CPUs, requires NX/XD CPU
mach_kernel.nonx: supports SSE2 CPUs, does not require
NX/XD CPU support
mach_kernel.orig: the original kernel, for use with SSE3
CPUs with NX/XD support
To select your kernel of choice, either
enter the name at the boot promt, e.g. "mach_kernel.nonx",
as root or with "sudo" copy the kernel file to "mach_kernel", e.g. "<SPAN
class=code>cp /mach_kernel.nonx /mach_kernel",
or as root or with "sudo" edit the file "com.apple.Boot.plist" in the
folder "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration".
If you install Mac OS X as a guest in VMWare please note:
Set "paevm=true" in your .vmx configuration file
Mount the ISO using Daemon Tools etc., not with the VMWare CD/DVD drive
Something missing?
Some kernel extensions might be missing for your optimal hardware support.
You should be able to put them into your working system afterwards (just copy to
the /System/Library/Extensions folder). I know of the following and will include
them as soon as possible.
NForce4 (broader card support)
AC97 Sound
If something is missing, please send me a private message (PM) at the Mac OS
X86 forum http://win2osx.net/forum.
Please also send me a PM if you can provide something, e.g. new kernel
extensions or modifications to existing ones to support a broader range of
device variants.
Alternative DVD/ISO Patchers
You might also check out other DVD/ISO patchers. For example, in http://win2osx.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1650,
the users EtherealRemnant, pianoman, myzar and wesley are providing an
alternative installer with support for NForce 4 410 (InstallerPatchv3.zip).
Also look for Patcher and Kernel extension releases from forum users like
macgirl etc.