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《PC版Mac OS X》(Apple MAC OS X for x86) 追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包[ISO]


更新时间:2005-11-13 21:21:00

文件大小:4.9 GB




中文名称:PC版Mac OS X
英文名称:Apple MAC OS X for x86
别名:Mac OS X 10.4.1
版本: 追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包
常驻服务器:Razorback 2.0
供源时间:7X24 我是ADSL小水管,请大家分流。


eMule主页 下载eMule 使用指南 如何发布

SSE2的CPU不打这个补丁,不能运行诸如Office等软件。包内含一光盘镜像,不需解压缩,直接在OS X中Mount该盘。内有说明。

This is the 5th version (v0.5c) of Maxxuss Patch solution.

It's now SSE3->SSE2 and Anti-TPM all-in-one:

1) SSE3->SSE2 solution: Mac OS X SSE3->SSE2 Runtime Patcher & Emulator, directly in the kernel

2) Anti-TPM solution: Rosetta Patch (oah750/oah750d), which circumvents the TPM copy-protection in a clean way.

You can install only 1), only 2) or both patch sets.

Use the included script "install.sh" to install the files (with a backup), and/or to restore the original files. The installer also prints a lot of information.

eMule主页 下载eMule 使用指南 如何发布

1. tun/tap driver.
2. x86 Flash Plugin.
3. Updated Safari + Webkit
4. All new Frameworks w/ SIMD optimizations.
5. Quicktime 7.0.4 x86 complete.
6. 10.4.1 Kernel with 10.4.2 exec patch.
7. SDL FAT Frameworks.
8. Growl x86 Frameworks.

中文化需本地化插件(OSX_Localizer.zip),安装OS X后才能使用。
eMule主页 下载eMule 使用指南 如何发布

eMule主页 下载eMule 使用指南 如何发布

APPLE MAC OS X86运行安装版本

《PC版Mac OS X》(Apple MAC OS X for x86)  追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包[ISO]

此版本为:Marklar Tiger release1, 由Generic Tiger更新。

AppleAC97Audio.kext (And all PlugIns)
ApplePS2Controller.kext (And all PlugIns)
AppleGenericPCATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext)
AppleOnboardPCATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext)
AppleVIAATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext)
AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext - Just the Info.plist from Darwin. (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext)

ATI* (All of the ATI drivers - they don't work)
NVDA* (All of the Nvidia Drivers - they don't work)
GeForce* (More Nvidia drivers)
AppleFPMemDriver.kext - Seems to lock up USB Mouse/Keyboard


== SSE2/SSE3 CPU ==

The following are known to work. Anything else not on this list is simply not going to work as far as we're aware (Pentium 3 architecture processors are SSE capable, but not SSE2/SSE3, same with P3 architecture Celerons as well as AthlonXP CPUs and Durons - they simply do not work).

- Intel Pentium 4 processors (all of them support SSE2 but if you get one with SSE3 support - codename Prescott - you'll be doing just fine and you won't need the SSE2 hacks/patches)
- Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition and dual core processors (full SSE3 support)
- Intel Pentium-M processors (exclusive to notebooks for the most part, SSE2 support only)
- Intel Pentium 4 Mobile processors (SSE2 support only)
- Intel Celeron processors based on the Pentium 4 core (SSE2 support only)
- Intel Celeron Mobile processors (based on P4 cores, SSE2 support only)
- Intel Celeron D processors (relatively new on the market but they provide full SSE3 support)
- AMD Athlon64 processors (SSE2 support is native on all of them, the newest Venice cores offer full SSE3 support)
- AMD Sempron processors (codenamed Oakville - as per AMD's site, "SSE2 support is available only with the 754-pin package")
- AMD Sempron processors (the new kid on the block, codenamed Palermo, full SSE3 support)

That's about it. Again the old P3's, Celerons based on P3's and AthlonXP's and Durons simply will not work. Rumors abound about some hacked code that allows Darwin to be installed on SSE-only machines but I have found no absolutely positive or verifiable data so... there's your list above.

One side note: I did have one report of an install on a Xeon box, actually. The install completed but then on the reboot some things decided to crap out and in the end the owner gave up and went back to his normal OS. Just wanted to let people know at least someone did try to get a Xeon machine functional. Thanks.

== Motherboard Chipsets ==

Another big one that causes a world of rumors to abound, so let's nip this one in the bud and repeat the note above: the more Intel hardware you have, the better your chance(s) for installation success.

- Intel 845 chipsets (I have one in my Dell Inspiron laptop, no issues, and many others have success with it also)
- Intel 865 chipsets (lots of success reports with this one, so it works)
- Intel 915 chipsets (this is what the Devkit PC is based upon, so obviously if you have this chipset you are practically guaranteed success when installing OSx86.
- VIA K8 chipsets (numerous reports of success so I'm confident it works)
- SiS chipsets (I have one report of success so... your mileage may vary)
- ATI chipsets (I have several reports of success with the IGP 9xx chipsets, again your mileage may vary)


真正x86安装版MAC OSX试用之安装配置篇 http://new.cnitn.cn/gb/news/bbs/dispbbs.as...&id=4237&page=1


《PC版Mac OS X》(Apple MAC OS X for x86)  追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包[ISO]

《PC版Mac OS X》(Apple MAC OS X for x86)  追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包[ISO]

《PC版Mac OS X》(Apple MAC OS X for x86)  追加SSE2及AntiTPM补丁包[ISO]

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