中文名称:Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD
![《Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD》(FREEDOM.OF.TEACH.ORGANIC.MODELING.VOL.I.DVDRIP-W3D)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823024219964.jpg)
![《Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD》(FREEDOM.OF.TEACH.ORGANIC.MODELING.VOL.I.DVDRIP-W3D)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823024219973.jpg)
![《Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD》(FREEDOM.OF.TEACH.ORGANIC.MODELING.VOL.I.DVDRIP-W3D)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823024219995.gif)
同样是 Organic Modeling,Freedom of Teach的这个教程与 SimplyMAYA 的区别在于,SimplyMAYA 的侧重于人物的角色外部器官构建,而这个教程注重的是探讨更真实的人物形体构造,以真实的人体组织器官结构为蓝本建模,一条肌肉一条肌肉地建立一个男性人体解剖结构模型。由曾参与《黑客帝国II/III》、《星战前传II》、《加勒比海盗》的视觉特效建模师及讲师 Tareq Mirza 主讲,软件环境为 MAYA,但是所讲的技巧可以广泛地移植应用于 Modo/Lightwave/Silo/XSI等等软件的 polygon/subD 环境中。
Model the human anatomy in MAYA using polygons - subdivision surfaces. Start from a simple box and model all the basic muscle groups of the human body in one mesh. Covers workflow approach to Poly/subD modeling and new tools in MAYA 6.0. Techniques and methodology can be applied to any 3D application.
Organic Modeling I: Human Anatomy Male
Product Overview
This Superior Instructional DVD, teaches you a step by step system for
building all the major muscle groups of the body, from basic blocking to
the finished model with all the muscles.
An excellent 3D modeling tutorial for Intermediate to Advanced 3D Modelers.
Ideal for:
- VFX Professionals
- Video Game Professionals
- Students
- Aspiring 3D modelers
- Reference for artists
Organic Modeling I: Human Anatomy Male, is the first Computer 3D modeling
instructional DVD that will take you from start to finish of the complete
superficial layer of human anatomy in a single mesh, muscle by muscle,
from basic blocking to the finished muscle definition with an efficient
use of resolution. No step is skipped or incomplete.
Other Benefits:
- Taught by VFX Modeler & instructor Tareq Mirza, who has worked on many
major movies including The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions,
Star Wars Episode 2, and Pirates of the Carribean.
- Shows Polygon/SubD modeling techniques of professionals & utilizes the
"box technique".
- Created in Maya 6.0, but techniques used can be applied in most polygon/
subD modeling packages, including: Modo, Lightwave, Silo, XSi and many
- Refines the model like sculpting in clay by selectively adding detail.
- Start to finish of a complete human model in Maya, but anatomy and
construction principles and techniques applicable to all major Polygon/
subD software packages.
Retail: $64.95
详细页面: http://www.freedom-of-teach.com/products/p...pid=det_anadvd1
![《Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD》(FREEDOM.OF.TEACH.ORGANIC.MODELING.VOL.I.DVDRIP-W3D)[Bin]](/images/emot/blush.gif)
![《Freedom of Teach MAYA人物器官建模教程第一集DVD》(FREEDOM.OF.TEACH.ORGANIC.MODELING.VOL.I.DVDRIP-W3D)[Bin]](/images/emot/happy.gif)