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《摄影布光技术教程》(Strobist Light Seminar Lighting) 8DVD


更新时间:2011-01-16 15:33:00

文件大小:5.78 GB



《摄影布光技术教程》(Strobist Light Seminar Lighting) 8DVD

Strobist推出的摄影打灯技术教程,对于初涉摄影领域的新手来说是一套不可多得的技术指南,由 David 讲解。本套教程主要是讲授面对初学者的 LightGear 布光方式,目的是让业余摄影爱好者更好地了解如何使用相机打光技术,从而提高相片的光影质量。本套资源共分8张DVD.

Eight-DVD set (approx. ten hours total) with David Hobby from the website Strobist.com. It is aimed at advanced amateur photographers who would like to gain a better understanding of how use small flashes off-camera to improve the quality of light in their photos. In English with English Subtitles.

Includes 8 DVD's
-Lighting Gear for Beginners
-Morning Session Part 1
-Morning Session Part 2
-Afternoon Session Part 1
-Afternoon Session Part 2
-Bonus Material 1
-Bonus Material 2
-Bonus Material 3

Bonus Material includes:
-Conference Room Headshot
-Swimsuit Portrait
-Kendo Practitioner
-Pool Portrait
-Lighting Indoor Basketball
-Mountain Bike Shoot
-Group Shot
-DIY Macro Box
-Sunset Sunflower

The shoots included in the videos range from tabletop product shots to individual portraiture to an eleven-person group photo. The shoots are designed to illustrate some of the different techniques available to the small-flash photographer.

The photos produced in the video are can be seen by clicking here.

《摄影布光技术教程》(Strobist Light Seminar Lighting) 8DVD

《摄影布光技术教程》(Strobist Light Seminar Lighting) 8DVD

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