The Origin of Theatre戏剧的起源(TPO1)
Timberline Vegetation on Mountains山上树带界限的植被(TPO1)
Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer 奥加拉拉蓄水层的枯竭(TPO3)
The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems生态系统长期的稳定(TPO3)
Opportunists and Competitors机会主义者和竞争者(在线测试题)
Lascaux Cave Paintings洞穴的绘画(在线测试题)
Electricity from Wind风能发电(在线测试题)
Deer Populations of the Puget Sound(TPO4)
Cave Art in Europe欧洲洞穴壁画(TPO4)
Petroleum Resources石油资源(TPO4)
Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction陨石撞击和恐龙灭绝(官方模考题)
Minerals and Plants矿物和植物(TPO5)
The Origin of the Pacific Island People太平洋岛人的起源(TPO5)
The Cambrian Explosion寒武纪爆发(TPO5)
Powering the Industrial Revolution工业革命的爆发(TPO6)
William Smith威廉史密斯(TPO6)
Infantile Amnesia婴儿时期的失忆症(TPO6)
The Geologic History of the Mediterranean地中海地质历史(TPO7)
Ancient Rome and Greece古罗马和古希腊(TPO7)
Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples农业、工业和班图人(TPO7)
The Rising of Teotihuacan特奥地瓦坎人的崛起(TPO8)
Extinction of the Dinosaurs恐龙的灭绝(TPO8)
Running Water on Mars火星上的流水(TPO8)
Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast美国西北海岸的移民(TPO9)
Reflection in Teaching(TPO9)教育的反思
The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii到达夏威夷岛的植物生命(TPO9)