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《美国大学入学指南2010版》(Fiske Guide to Colleges 2010)[PDF]


更新时间:2010-08-29 13:21:00

文件大小:33 MB



《美国大学入学指南2010版》(Fiske Guide to Colleges 2010)[PDF]



"The best college guide you can buy." —USA Today
The 1 bestselling college guide, from the top name in college admissions!
Hip, honest, and straightforward, "Fiske Guide to Colleges 2010" delivers an insider's look at the academic climates and the social and extracurricular scenes at the best and most interesting schools in the U.S., plus Canada and Great Britain.

The guide is notable as much for its focus on each school's personality and quality of life as for its statistical data and admissions information.


Edward Fiskeserved for 17 years as education editor of the New York Times, where he realized that college-bound students and their families needed better information on which to base their educational choices. He is also the author of the Fiske Guide to Getting into the Right College.

《美国大学入学指南2010版》(Fiske Guide to Colleges 2010)[PDF]


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