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《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures of Pinocchi)英文有声书[MP3]


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《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures of Pinocchi)英文有声书[MP3]


触动万千心灵的经典童话故事《皮诺丘历险记》又译《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures of Pinocchio),是18世纪意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪(Carlo Collodi)留给世人的不朽名作,它代表了一种美德和勇气的神化力量。几乎世界上所有的小朋友们都会记得它的经典画面:当小木偶皮诺丘(Pinocchio)每说一次谎时,他的鼻子便会不断变长。

作者简介:科洛迪,原名卡尔洛・洛伦齐尼,1826年11月24日出生在意大利托斯坎纳地区一个叫科洛迪的小镇。他的笔名便是由这个小镇的名称而来。科洛迪精通法文,曾翻译过法国贝罗的童话,为广大小读者所喜爱。科洛迪一生中,曾写过许多短篇小说、随笔、评论,然而最著名的要数他写给孩子们看的童话故事,这些童话想像力丰富,人物形象栩栩如生,情节曲折动人,为他赢得了巨大的声誉。 他的主要作品有:《小手杖》(1876)、《小木片》(1878)、《小手杖漫游意大利》、《小手杖地理》、《小手杖文法》、《木偶奇遇记》、《眼睛和鼻子》(1881)、《快乐的故事》(1887)。最后两部作品是:《愉快的符号》、《讽刺杂谈》(1892)。
Innocenti's luminous interpretation of Collodi's tale carves the action out of 19th century Italian landscapes. Clearly shown as a mocking marionette, this Pinocchio races through cobbled city scenes and then throws himself prostrate at the personor fairywhom he has most recently wronged by his hasty, thoughtless behavior. And when he becomes a real boy, the transformation is resounding: left slumped on a chair is the body of a puppet; readers may marvel that what lies so lifeless in that scene was the source of so much trouble earlier on. Enchantment reigns in the pictures, each a perfect elaboration of the text. Innocenti and Collodi are equally at home in a place where puppets have life beyond human hands, and where souls may die and live again, resurrected by the power of love. All ages.


《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures of Pinocchi)英文有声书[MP3]

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