Do you know the difference between THX Ultra and select? If you don’t, then this magazine can help you find out. If you do, then you’ll enjoy the exclusive interviews and in-depth discussions this magazine has to offer. Home Theater keep consumers' budgets in mind when previewing and testing the latest technologies. In the milieu of sales pitches and marketing promises, this magazine brings you the truth about electronic products.
“Home Theater”(家庭影院)是美国一本以介绍家庭影院各项新技术、评测各类家庭影院新产品为主的杂志,每年该杂志均会在去年作评测的产品中选出编辑们认为最具代表,最优秀的型号,作为该类产品中的杰出代表,颁发“RAVE(Recognizing Audio/Video Excellence.公认杰出音视频产品)”的称号。