查看 管理学视频教程 26讲 西北工业大学 《电影摄影教程》导演摄影师参看(VASST Director/Cameraman Master the Shoot )-简介及下载-文艺,摄影摄像
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《电影摄影教程》导演摄影师参看(VASST Director/Cameraman Master the Shoot )


更新时间:2009-12-08 09:47:00

文件大小:4.93 GB




《电影摄影教程》导演摄影师参看(VASST Director/Cameraman Master the Shoot )

Victor Milt 是一位非常受尊重和著名的导演/摄影师,职业超过40年。他仍继续工作,并一直赢得奖品到今天。他的客户名单中有世界财富100强的公司。他的获奖名单中包含了超过50个黄金和白银电影节奖项,其中包括"CLIO"。

Victor Milt has been a highly respected and well-known director/cameraman for over 40 years. He continues to work and win prizes to this very day. His client list is a who’s who from the Fortune 100. His prize list includes over 50 gold and silver film festival awards, including the coveted CLIO. His last instructional video, “Light It Right” has been the best selling DVD at the NAB since it’s release. He consistently lectures to packed houses. He is not only a top director – he’s a hell of a teacher – and this video proves it.

获取Victor Milt一生的有利经验,在产业中为您的视频制作服务

Gain the advantage of a lifetime of experience in the industry for your video production needs.
This DVD includes:
Introduction to directing  介绍导演
Advanced interviewing techniques  先进的面试技巧
Practical camera shots and moves  实际的照相机拍摄和动向
Depth of field explained  景深解释
Commercial Studies  商业研究
Shutter effects  快门效应
Wide angle vs. telephoto lenses  广角与长焦镜头
B-roll footage why and how
Close-ups and cutaways explained  
Time lapse
Talent releases
And so much more

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