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《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0)


更新时间:2009-11-03 09:41:00

文件大小:1.07 GB




《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0)
Reading Genius是一套风靡英语国家的阅读能力训练课程,号称可以提高阅读效率10倍。这套课程包括视频资料、mp3资料以及软件光盘。通过各种快速阅读训练、快速归纳文章大意训练以及专注力训练,培养快速阅读英语的能力。



a 如果出现DYNAMIC LIBRARY IS MISSING 请确认是不是把注册机解压在安装文件夹里了,即保证Ingenius2_gen.exe和Ingenius2.exe在同一文件夹里

b 运行ingenius_gen.exe后就出现Your computer must have internet access for this feature.
断开网络试试 (注意:有人说断网能成功,但是我试了一下不断能成功,断了反而出现Your computer must have internet access for this feature。两种情况都有可能,需要自己尝试。如果断不断网都不行,那就还是保持网络连接,停止防火墙和其它安全软件)

c 如果出现invalid serial number的 可能是因为你从桌面快捷方式运行 或者是直接运行了Ingenius2.exe 而没有把Ingenius2_gen.exe解压到安装目录里并运行

d 安装步骤中第四步输入的是序列号(serial Number)只要第一个字母是大写的“P”就行了 余下空格随便填 ,如果第一位不是大写字母“P” 也可能出现 invalid serial number

e 第七部输入的是激活码 (activation code),注意区分字母“O”和数字“0”

Reading Genius for Kids 我找不到 望好心人共享

引用Reading Genius 2 SGR EXCLUSIVE

1. Install Reading Genius 2.0b (用虚拟光驱加载iso镜像安装)

2. 解压 RG2 Crack.rar 到"Reading Genius 2.0b" 的安装目录里(RG Crack .rar包含在光盘镜像中的Reading Genius Crack文件夹中。不要让光盘自动运行,右键打开光驱就可以看到)

3. 运行 Ingenius2_gen.exe(这个东西就是从RG Crack里面解压出来的,把这个放到你的安装目录里,运行这个东西注册,不是从桌面快捷方式运行注册,也不是运行Ingenius2.exe注册)

4. 输入序列号: Pxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx , 'x'的地方随便填 ,只要保证第一位是大写英语字母P即可

5. 选 "I want to activate by telephone" 点击Continue

6. 点击 "Activate" 按钮 (没看错!就是先不填,点activate,会跳出来一个对话框,上面写着注册码)

7. 记录下跳出的对话框中的Activation code, 然后点 OK.(好像不能复制粘贴,只能截图或者抄下来,注意区分数字“0”和字母“O”)

8. 填写Activation Code (只能手动输入)

9. 点击Activate & enjoy fully activated Reading Genius 2.0b Professional 8-)



引用(RUI1989 @ 2009-08-14, 06:53 PM) 《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0)

1 基本原理是利用右脑的图像处理能力来阅读
2 理解的基础是建立在对词语的理解基础上的,所以用这个看英文速度很难上去 但用来看中文 绝对好使!
3 楼主我觉得你应该先把这套资料的文本pdf先放上来








光盘镜像中包括安装和激活方法,请严格按照提示安装。本人Vista Ultimate Sp2, 32位,安装运行成功

引用(wsdu2 @ 2009-08-15, 07:49 AM) 《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0)Download:

Audio:音频请大家尽量使用emule下载 帮忙加速



Reading Genius 2.0 Software:

引用(wsdu2 @ 2009-08-15, 07:47 AM) 《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0)Reading Genius 2.0 | 6Gb

This world is full of knowledge on how to achieve all of these things. People with the same challenges, aspirations, goals and problems that you have, have already solved these problems and the solutions are written about in books. The Challenge: Finding the time to read those books and remember what they say. Reading Genius 2.0 draws on the latest research in brain science to allow you to achieve the most effective results in as short a time possible.No longer will you have to struggle to read faster and faster, or take endless notes so that you remember what you have just read. Once you learn how to achieve the correct mental state, you will absorb knowledge like a sponge. Once you learn the special and unique methods to turn on your brain power, you will not only get results you never thought possible but also learning will actually become fun and exciting again.

What Can You Gain by Having the Planet's Most Powerful Reading Course?

Are You Behind are Your Reading?
Do you have books on the shelf that you want to read but can’t find the time?
Are there things you want to learn and know more about but the task of reading simply takes too long?
Are you tired of old speedreading systems that require weeks of practice and produce dubious results?
Would you like to take advantage of all the latest breakthroughs in learning research, methods that show you how to use more of your natural brain power and that use methods previously reserved for top athletes actors and even astronauts?

This world is full of knowledge on how to achieve all of these things. People with the same challenges, aspirations, goals and problems that you have, have already solved these problems and the solutions are written about in books.

The Challenge: Finding the time to read those books and remember what they say.

Reading Genius 2.0 draws on the latest research in brain science to allow you to achieve the most effective results in as short a time possible.No longer will you have to struggle to read faster and faster, or take endless notes so that you remember what you have just read. Once you learn how to achieve the correct mental state, you will absorb knowledge like a sponge. Once you learn the special and unique methods to turn on your brain power, you will not only get results you never thought possible but also learning will actually become fun and exciting again.

What do you do with Reading Genius 2.0 course?

Step #1- Watch the Video
In the DVD Ed gives you a full length explanation of the modern learning priciples applied in Reading Genius. You will see other experts in learning as well as actual live seminar footage, hear from real life students like yourself, many of whom were skeptical and din't believe the hype or were tired of speed reading courses that yieded only temporary results. You will hear how all the principles in Reading Genius are completely natural and innate. So repetitive practive is not what's needed to get great results. Instead, you just need to learn a few key steps.. and apply the lessons. Lessons that students as young as 8 yrs to 80 yrs old have applied easily and effectively.

Step #2 - Listen to the CDs
When ready, you begin the lessons on 3 CDs which take just a few hours to complete. You also receive 3 extra CDs full of special tips, secrets and methods that insure your value and learning continues for many years to come.
You will learn:
A) Why your mind daydreams and wanders and how to focus it.
《阅读天才——超能力阅读训练教程》(Reading Genius 2.0) The prinicples of mental training, accelerated learning and how to apply them to reading. This will make you realize your inner genius ability!
C) How to turn on your tremendous brain power we are all told about. You will learn the keys to be totally relaxed, which has been scientifically proven to improve learning. You will learn to get your mind and body into the right state before you read. So that you absorb more, remember better and have less stress. The lessons are put to music so you remmeber and "feeeeeel" them while you learn so it gets stored in your long term memory.

Step #3 - Perform the 1-2 minute Software "Workouts!" as you Desire
Now you have learned the Key principles and employed them through your practice on from the audio Lessons. Now all you need is the to do occasional workouts of a few minutes using the Reading Genius Software tools. THis will keep building your brain power and remind you of the important skills. Just like muscles need to go to a real gym to stay strong, the same principle applies here.

Exercises that start training you to reading phrases, sentences and paragraphs at one time - within just a few minutes

The Reading Genius Gym
Where you can do a 1 - 3 minute workout at the press of a button. Using a variety of colors, syncopated music and some great literature, your eyes and brain will be trained to reading in groups of words!

The Reading Genius Theatre
You will be entertained as a thrilling combination of classic books, specially brain- tuned musical rhythms syncopated to mind, body and special reading tools that help you improve while reading enjoyably and even a built in color palette that allows you to change the colors of the text and page.

For more information, please visit:

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