![《汤姆·索亚历险记》马克·吐温 -有声读物 + 电子书(“The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer”Audio Book)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9082112/2214332.jpg)
马克·吐温 - 《汤姆·索亚历险记》有声朗读完全版本,附电子书
“The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer” - By Mark Twain, Audio Book Unabridged Version, with PDF eBook
《The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer》可以说是我最喜欢的文学作品。小学三年的时候,就查着字典看繁体版的《汤姆·索耶历险记》了。
初 中,对英文稍微有点自信之后,购入了英文朗读版的《The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer》。被Dick Hill那富有感情,抑扬顿挫的朗读所深深打动。反反复复,直到磁带被拉长,不能够播放,再次购买,再次听到磁带不能够播放为止。屡次寻找,一直没有能够 找到CD版本的。VC上,也只有简写版的,对于我这个汤姆的忠实粉丝,听简写版本,真是犹如吃别人嚼过的馍馍,无味至极。前几天,终于在EMULE上找到 了Dick Hill的朗读版本,原版本是由700多个MP3组成,我将其合并后,重新发布。
附上《The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer》的电子书。
光纤两台High ID长期供源,请各位多多加速。
![《汤姆·索亚历险记》马克·吐温 -有声读物 + 电子书(“The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer”Audio Book)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9082112/2214276.jpg)
《汤 姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是一部美国著名的儿童文学作品,出版于1876年,作者为马克·吐温。作品以距离发行当时30至40年前的美国密苏里州圣彼得斯堡(虚构地 点)为舞台背景,讲述少年汤姆·索亚与哈克贝里·费恩等伙伴冒险的故事。汤姆是顽童的角色,在美国深受小孩的欢迎。
目录 [隐藏]
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[编辑] 故事概要
汤 姆·索亚(Tom Saywer)是一位由波莉阿姨(Aunt Polly)领养的孤儿,经常与朋友乔·哈伯(Joe Harper)和哈克贝里·费恩(Huckleberry Finn)进行冒险旅程。汤姆总爱出鬼点子,喜爱恶作剧,不过好几次都逃过惩罚,虽然有点愚笨且捉摸不定,却也带点机灵和幽默感。汤姆喜欢一位叫贝琪·柴 契尔(Becky Thatcher)的女孩,每当无法赢得她的芳心时,就会沉浸在落寞的心情里或是开始一段冒险。好几次,汤姆想像自己是一位威吓的海盗或是其他他能想到角 色,与同伴进行角色扮演的游戏。故事中,汤姆有以下主要事迹:斗虫、在学校故意吸引女生的青睐、在洞穴里迷路、在密西西比河玩起海盗游戏,但他最著名的事 件就是他利用小聪明,劝诱朋友们帮他家的篱笆刷上油漆等等。
[编辑] 角色
[编辑] 欢迎度
起初这本小说的销量并不好,连马克·吐温的《Innocents Abroad》三分之一都不到,直到他过世后,这本小说才广受欢迎,成为美国文学经典和美国畅销书,据说是吐温现今最有名的作品。
《顽童历险记》(Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,1884年)
《Tom Sawyer Abroad》(1894年)
《Tom Sawyer, Detective》(1896年)
以下是该朗读版本的官方介绍:(注意:已经是“Out Of Publication”了)
![《汤姆·索亚历险记》马克·吐温 -有声读物 + 电子书(“The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer”Audio Book)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/9082112/2214975.jpg)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The - Mark Twain
NOTE: This audio book is out of publication.
Now that you are here, we hope you look around. We have 1000's of audio books and would be glad to order any audio book you don't see here. Enjoy!
Written by Mark Twain - Audio book performed by Dick Hill - Unabridged Fiction - 3 CASSETTES - 9 hours
Publisher, Brilliance Audio (1992)
NOTE: This audio book is a Brilliance BookCassette. Every BookCassette is a recording that is both unabridged and affordable. To give you the complete book at an affordable price, Brilliance has used a unique recording method that uses both tracks on each side of the tape and therefore requires balance control on the tape player you use. Twice as much recording can be captured on the same tape. Most non-portable tape players have balance control. Your tape player's balance control allows each track to be isolated for listening.
When using players without balance control (I.E. portables & personal players), a BookCassette Adapter is needed. One end of this adapter plugs into the headphone jack on your player and the other end into your headset. Call Brilliance Audio, 1-800-854-7859 for more information and/or to purchase the adapter at a small price.
"Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in." —Mark Twain
Join Tom Sawyer's wild adventures along the banks of the Mississippi River in this exciting addition to the Step into Classics line. Tom and his best friend, Huck Finn, share exciting make-believe escapades as treasure hunters, swashbuckling pirates, and soldiers in battle. They also unwittingly become real-life witnesses to a terrible crime!
Sparkling with mischief, jumping with youthful adventure, Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer is one of the most splendid re-creations of childhood in all of literature. It is a lighthearted romp, full of humor and warmth. It shares with its sequel, Huckleberry Finn, not only a set of unforgettable characters -- Tom, Huck, Aunt Polly and others -- but a profound understanding of humanity as well. Through such hilarious scenes as the famous fence-whitewashing incident, Twain gives a portrait -- perceptive yet tender -- of a humanity rendered foolish by his own aspirations and obsessions. Written as much for adults as for young boys and girls, Tom Sawyer is the work of a master storyteller performing in his shirt sleeves, using his best talents to everyone's delight.