Apparently, this book hit a nerve. Or several.
According to media reports, Apple Computer removed all of the titles published by John Wiley & Sons from its retail stores to protest this book. Included were the successful Dummies series, as well as computer-related volumes from popular authors Andy Ihnatko and Bob LeVitus.
So what's the fuss?
This biography of Apple's co-founder is fairly well balanced. The authors keenly admire Jobs despite the many personal shortcomings they catalog, gleefully referring to sundry over-the-top idiosyncrasies as examples of Jobs' ''Stevian'' hubris.
But there's much to admire about Jobs. An adopted child of a northern California working class couple, he parlayed rabid curiosity about electronics, preternatural entrepreneurial zeal and a fierce sense of self into a partnership with the brilliant Steve Wozniak and created the revolutionary Apple II, the first popular personal computer.
The pair became multimillionaires, though Wozniak eventually left the company to pursue other interests -- including flying small airplanes -- after nearly dying in a plane crash.
Jobs subsequently latched onto and took over a wayward project at Apple to develop the next generation machine, and the resulting Macintosh became the computer of choice for artists and other creative folks.
Jobs' prickly personality and immense ambition may have helped drive his success but also fueled clashes with executives, board members and others, and led to his forced departure from the company he co-founded.
That was Jobs' wild first act.
But authors Jeffrey Young and William Simon also chronicle what came next.
After leaving Apple, Jobs' new computer company, NeXT, was a near-disaster. Though technologically advanced, the box was expensive and ill suited for its intended market, universities. Still, the operating system held great promise and the possibility for Jobs' return to the spotlight.
When divorce forced Star Wars auteur George Lucas to sell off his nascent computer animation company, Pixar, Jobs scooped it up at a fraction of the asking price. Soon, the production company allied with Disney and became a creative powerhouse in its own right, with smash films, Toy Story and Finding Nemo.
When Pixar went public, Jobs became a billionaire. At the same time, Apple was having a rough time with its latest CEO, Gil Amelio, who slashed costs, consolidated product lines and seemed to be on the verge of turning the company around despite a lack of ''Stevian'' political prowess.
His search for an appropriate operating system for a new, more powerful Macintosh attracted Jobs' attention. His NeXT software was the ticket back to Apple. After some deft machinations, Amelio was sent packing and Jobs became ''interim'' CEO.
Soon, some new, very cool computers were introduced by Apple and the company was again deemed successful and sexy, though Young and Simon suggest that Jobs was the beneficiary of the departed Amelio's cost-cutting and new product development initiatives.
Regardless, Jobs struck gold again with the introduction of the iPod music player, and the ''interim'' was removed from his title.
The biography includes many personal details that surely embarrass Jobs, such as his early abandonment of a daughter born to an unmarried girlfriend (both of whom he later reconciled with and supported), along with endless examples of pride, egotism, venality, ruthlessness and conceit.
But it's still an interesting and engaging tale. Warts and all, for better or worse, Steve Jobs is undisputedly an American business icon. (Miami Herald, June 6, 2005)
"One of the most captivating business biographies of recent years. Young and Simon have done a masterful job." (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram)
"A fascinating tale of an imaginative genius." (BookPage)
本书记录了在这个富有开创性的数字化商业时代,一位令世人称羡的风云人物的生活和工作经历。整部作品的材料多来源于硅谷和好莱坞,杰弗里•扬是第一位撰 写史蒂夫•乔布斯传记的作家,他和这部作品的合著者威廉•西蒙从一个全新视角为读者展示了史蒂夫•乔布斯这个非凡的“电子神童”,并对他从一个默默无闻的 中 学生成长为苹果公司的“重量级人物”和计算机革命的“弄潮儿”的传奇经历作了精彩绝伦的描绘。
在数字商业社会风云变幻的年代,乔布斯也经 历了人生的大起大落。他曾在盲目自大而众叛亲离,被自己创建的公司赶出去,甚至完全脱离了电脑世界。但正是在被赶出自己亲手创建的苹果公司10年之后,他 又卷土重来,并在一次只有他才能成功发动的“公司政变”后,重新执掌了苹果公司的大权。毫无疑问,这是乔布斯在数字化时代的尘器中所做出的最巨大、最让人 佩服的成就。
本书的出版并没有经过苹果公司授权,写作风格真实、大胆而泼辣,两位作者以锐利的眼光审视了苹果公司的兴衰成败与权力更迭,并对 乔布斯本人做了全面的透析,既展示了他的过人智慧和商业成就,也没有回避他人格上的缺点和失当的行为。如果你想深入了解这位“数字之王”,了解他是如何纵 横于电影、音乐和计算机 三个领域的,那么这本书你一定要读。
第一部 怒放与凋零
第二部 新的开始
第三部 东山再起