![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139596.jpg)
Graphic Authority Made To Change Backgrounds
Graphic Authority 图像公司出品的一套 "作出改变" 系列模板,当代及怀旧的 PSD 模板和背景的素材模板集,一共三张DVD。这些模板都是完全可以自由编辑的。
- 30 个高分辨率当代模板
- 30 个高分辨率怀旧模板
- 30 个 PSD 背景
Graphic Authority 公司是数一数二的数位点阵图片代理公司,所代理的产品在世界上都具有举足轻重的地位,可以说是数一数二的数点阵图片代理公司,而 Graphic Authority 所代理的图片也绝对是水準极高,绝对会让你惊喜万分。
Graphic Authority 为您开闢一条通往影像创作的捷径,免版权费的影像图库,将您所有的想像以最精緻的画面呈现!
平均每张图档更低於租片费用百分之一,且没有使用时间与製作媒体及次数限制,为您省下大笔租片成本,向租片公司说 Bye-Bye!Graphic Authority 带您进入繽纷的影像世界,悠游其中,创意天地无限宽广!
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139199.jpg)
Made to Change Templates Modern & Vintage PSD Templates & backgrounds...
- 30 High resolution contemporary templates
- 30 High resolution vintage templates
- 30 PSD backgrounds
- 300 DPI
- Royalty Free
- 3 DVD set ships within 24 hours weekdays
What is Made to Change & what is included?
Made to Change is a three DVD bundle of high resolution PSD 30 contemporary & 30 vintage, drag & drop templates.
The set also includes 30 layered PSD backgrounds. Use the templates and backgrounds as they are or combine them with other assets.
What are the steps to combine the templates & backgrounds?
Creating unique composites with Made to Change is easy. Follow a few simple steps to drag & drop your image into the layout in Photoshop and you're done.
Make them unique by adding more layers with brushes, vectors or other tools.
Play the following video for a demonstration of how our composite templates are applied.
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139672.jpg)
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139755.jpg)
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139132.jpg)
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139980.jpg)
![《现代及古典系列》(Graphic Authority Made To Change)PSD模板[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8052910/1139724.jpg)