![《BBC 自然世界》(BBC Natural World)[TVRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040203/0310218.jpg)
BBC的Natural World (自然世界系列)从属于Science and Nature( 科学与自然频道),出了很多不错的节目。
注:这些节目都为TV Capture,因此,不要索要字幕,部分有字幕的均为字幕高手制作,非注明都来自 纪录片之家
1、The Last Lions of India 印度最后的狮子
音频:MP3 192
2、Eye for an Elephant
3、The Amber Time Machine 琥珀色时光机器
14、Secrets Of The Maya Underworld 玛雅地底世界之谜
15、The Monkey Prince 猴王子
16、Meerkats Part Of The Team 猫鼬阵营
一位沉稳乾练的女族长Mama,一位精力充沛的男主人Diego,还有勇敢好胜的小家伙Arnie,它们都是团结的猫鼬阵营中的成员。在过去的一年里,这些羸弱的小动物共同经历了许多不平凡的事件,它们齐心协力养育幼仔、驱赶外敌、开拓疆土。野外摄影师Simon King经过长期努力,与这个家族建立了深厚的友谊,也拍摄了许多珍贵的画面。现在,就让我们和他一起去见识一下丰富有趣的猫鼬世界。
19、Return.of.the.Eagle.Owl 大雕归来(这集上面有,这个是个重新压缩的747M的版本)
![《BBC 自然世界》(BBC Natural World)[TVRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040203/0310800.png)
Video Bitrate: 1938 KB/s
Video Codec: XviD
Resolution: 704 x 384
Aspect Ratio: 1.83:1
Framerate: 25 FPS (73445 Frames)
Quality Factor: 0.286 B/px
Audio Bitrate: 192 KB/s (CBR)
Audio Codec: MP3
Channels: 2 Ch @ Sampling Rate: 48 kHz
Subs: (TVCap =>) NO
Total Size: 746.27 MB
Length: 00:48:58
Ripped by ashinc
Europe is being invaded by the eagle owl, the world's largest owl, a fearsome predator capable of killing prey as large as foxes, domestic cats and even small dogs. From strongholds in the wilds of Scandinavia these predators are spreading rapidly through Holland, Germany, Belgium and France. Now they've reached the shores of the English Channel and look set to invade Britain too. Should we be worried? Raptor expert Roy Dennis investigates this remarkable comeback and the controversy raging over their future in the British countryside.
28、Invasion.of.the.Crocodiles 鳄鱼入侵
![《BBC 自然世界》(BBC Natural World)[TVRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040203/0310925.jpg)
Australia's deadly saltwater crocs are making a dramatic comeback. They're spreading in alarming numbers through the billabongs, rivers and beaches of the Northern Territory. Last year, over 300 had to be removed from the harbour of Darwin, the region's capital. Hundreds of cattle are being killed, and most worrying of all, attacks on people are increasing every year, often in places where crocs were previously unknown.
31、Saving Our Seabirds 拯救海鸟
![《BBC 自然世界》(BBC Natural World)[TVRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040203/0310240.jpg)
Britain's seabirds are in crisis. Catastrophic breeding failures have swept along our shores and have hit many of our colonies of puffin, arctic tern, guillemot and skua. Roy Dennis, former warden of the seabird island of Fair Isle and winner of the RSPB Golden eagle award, is desperate to understand what the future holds for Britain's seabirds.
32、Cheetahs Fast Track to Freedom
33、The Bloodhound and The Beardie
46、地球朝圣者-达特姆尔一年 Earth Pilgrim A Year on Dartmoor
47、白鹰白狼 White Falcon White Wolf
48、潘纳丛林之虎 Tigers Of The Emerald Forest
49、园丁鸟-澳洲森林花花公子 BowerBird Playboy of the Australian Forest
50、安第斯-龙之背 Andes the Dragons Back
51、未来加蓬雨林 Gabon Forests of the Future
52、沙漠之狮 Desert Lions
53、甲虫狂 Beetlemania
54、北极男孩A Boy Among Polar Bears
55、南极企鹅 Penguins Of The Antarctic
56 堪察加熊人
附 BBC 自然世界系列1983~2007节目清单