![《静物油画艺术教程》(David A.Leffel - The Art of Painting DVD2)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0416770.gif)
David A.Leffel是美国最具影响力的油画大师之一,美国油画家协会会员.学习大师绘画,让你站在巨人的肩膀上。此为高清晰压缩视频,.3.95G.静物油画教程方面的又一精典巨作.此为DVD2。
美国油画家协会”OIL PAINTEERS OF AMER I CA 简称 OPA. 成 立于1992年,会员遍及全美五十洲,拥有大师级会员如Howard·Tenpning. 和David Leffel,两位在美国最具影响力的油画大师。Alan Wolton最具影响力的外光印象派风景画家。Daniel Greene 最著名的肖像画家。Peter Adams.加洲印象派协会主席,曾到过中国访问.
LENGTH: 3 Hours. 教程时间长达3个小时,以下为教程部分截图,高清晰度
David Leffel的长处在于大胆使用光线、光线的运动,以及创造具有灿烂强烈的生动的艺术效果。他能以令人惊讶的速度快速切入到景物的核心,构造出尚栩栩如生的陶瓷器品,鲜艳美丽的花草,带着温暖的桃子、暗紫色半透明的葡萄。
此教程,跟随着作者的画笔,调色盘,以帆布为特写式的观点,展显了他的工作方法,优质的油漆,掌握应用. 倾听这位二十世纪大师的心声,他解释他的理念图片制作,设计,目的在于成立一个特别静物组合,选择背景 如何带领观众进行绘画.
![《静物油画艺术教程》(David A.Leffel - The Art of Painting DVD2)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0416301.jpg)
Filmed at our studio here in Texas, this video promises to be a best-seller, showcasing the mastery of David A. Leffel at the easel. It is three hours long, and shows the complete development of this painting from the first stroke to the finish.
Follow the brush from palette to canvas in close-up views showing his working methods, quality of paint, and mastery of application. Listen to the thoughts of this 20th Century master as he explains his concepts of picture-making, design, and purpose in setting up a particular still-life composition, choice of backgrounds, and how to lead the viewer through the painting.
The project was filmed by Liliedahl Video Productions during a still-life workshop taught at Liliedahl Fine Art Studio in November 2000, and includes questions from the class participants as well as Mr. Leffel's complete answers. It's almost like being in class yourself! Add this important video to your library now for the best demonstration and intelligent discussion of art theses available in today's world of working artists.
Liliedahl Publications has obtained the sole right to distribute David's latest video and we expect to offer more of his exceptional tapes as they become available. We also hope to add other artists' videos to our catalog in the future. We make the promise of offering only those artists who I can personally recommend.