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《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]


更新时间:2007-12-29 10:34:00

文件大小:1.5 GB




《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]


电子航图採用昂贵的 Jeppesen JeppView电子航图, 包括区域内6000 英呎以上跑道的机场平面图, 跑道图与资料, 航管通讯频率COM, 导航频率NAV, 进离场程序图 (ILS, VOR, GPS, SIDs, STARs, & DPs), 起降限制等.
安装CD-ROM时, 可由以下全球各区自由选择单一区域: 1. 太平洋区(日本,韩国,台湾,香港,澳门,菲律宾,东南亚,新加坡,澳洲,纽西兰,夏威夷), 2. 中国大陆,中东,苏俄,东欧, 3. 美东, 4. 美中, 5. 美西, 6. 加拿大阿拉斯加, 7. 中南美洲, 8. 欧洲, 9. 非洲 ,若选择安装太平洋区, 将会有台湾地区的12个机场电子航图, 包括松山机场, 金门, 马祖, 桃园中正, 高雄, 花莲, 台南, 马公, 屏东,…)
《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]
《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]
《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]
《全球机场与航路数据》(Jeppesen JeppView 3)0720[ISO]
CODESpecial thanks to users of thepiratebay.org and especially N1NY for this one, they made this happen
Its global coverage by the way:

1. Insert the program disk and start the installation. Fill in the name field and use this serial: MIE1-11PV-KLKR-KLCT .
2. Insert chart disk 1 (0720JVGB_1.iso) . Use this serial : 229EL10532 (Full world coverage). Hit apply, then next.
3. Insert chart disk 2 . Hit next through all the errors with the serials, the program will install... :-) Do not install weather service
4. Reboot
5. Open Jeppview, choose activate by phone and enter this site-key : R00D-KCAB  (thats zero-zero, not oscar-oscar)
5. In the directory that you installed Jeppview and the one for Flitedeck, look for this file: JIT-eDocs.dll  Delete those files in both directories.

You will now have a full working version of jeppview with a chart database a few days old. Electronic Pages wont work but who cares, we want those plates and
now we have em. Once again, big thank you to N1NY, i have just put together in one torrent the solution that he found.
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